Your videos may be too long. Better shorten them!

Picture this: you’re scrolling on Instagram or TikTok. Cat video, dog video, dance video, and then you come across a full-length documentary. Watch or skip?

You’re probably going to scroll past. Long form videos just aren’t fit for social media anymore. Which is a very interesting thing to say. Not so long ago, we thought long-form videos were the future.

Videos: image of a chef presenting a cooking program
Image: Envato

Now, it’s clear that they’ve been pushed out by shorter content (again), chipping away at our already short attention spans. Just Google long-form videos, and you’ll see a bunch of articles tackling how to do it… from 2017-2019.

And we all know how much the world changed after 2019. After a bit of time in the water, it seems like long-form content just doesn’t float when compared to short-form content. Or at least if it’s going to have a chance, it has to be really, really engaging.

Well, at least we can go back to the old drawing board and rehash those 6-second ads you’ve brainstormed in the past years. Today we’re diving into short-form content (again). And seriously think about using TikTok!

What happened to long-form videos?

Long–form content is still kicking around, just not on social media… anymore.

On August 9, 2017, Facebook released Facebook Watch. In June 2018, Instagram released something called IGTV.Then, two months later, TikTok launched in the U.S. 

As TikTok rapidly gained traction, and as Facebook and Instagram caught on with their Stories, Snapchat fell into their shadows. The competing short-form platforms had found its loser.

But we were talking about long-form videos, right? Well it’s important to take note of Facebook and Instagram, because as they released IGTV and Facebook Watch, the focus shifted from short-from stories to long-form content. It was an effort to compete with YouTube, whose algorithm rewarded videos that passed the 10-minute mark.

Meanwhile, the attractive, inspiring, creative TikTok grew and grew. Then Instagram launched its Reels in late 2020, and it seems the world forgot about long-form videos. The only place that’s right for them now, is Youtube.

Videos: image of a bored young boy watching a video on a TV
Image: Envato

It’s now all about short-form content

A whopping 60% of all videos posted on the internet in 2020 were under 2 minutes long. That’s pretty dang short. And it goes to show that in the past couple years, short-form has been the clear focus. 

According to HootSuite’s 2022 Social Media Trends survey, businesses prefer short-form video too. Nearly 40% of respondents said that they use short-form video to sell products/services.

Seeing how successful Instagram Reels and TikTok were, Twitter and LinkedIn tried to jump in with Fleets and LinkedIn Stories. Spoiler alert, they didn’t do so well and no longer exist. 

So although short-form content is on fire right now, it seems not just any short-form content will do. It has to be engaging and entertaining.

Final thoughts

Short-form content is already in full swing; the virality and marketing potential of a platform like TikTok is unmatched.

The momentum is in motion, and if you want in on the short-form content train, it’s best to hop on board soon! We’ve already covered why time is running out to get on TikTok, so don’t forget about it. And don’t be afraid to keep up engagement on Instagram with Reels.

And if you’re going to post short-form content, do keep it short! If it’s on the longer side, just be sure to keep it engaging. Remember: it has all of TikTok to compete with for attention.

If you have an excellent long-form content strategy, keep it on YouTube. It’ll be received a lot better there. And last but not least: keep in mind that a stirring, professional voice over will make your short-form video content even more engaging!


Book a voice actor now..!


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