Amazon ads

Amazon ads: How to make the best ads in 2024

Amazon ads global e-commerce sales are worth a staggering 500 billion dollars on a platform with 310 million active users. So Amazon advertising is like having a prime spot on a Times Square billboard – just with tons more potential eyeballs. But while it can help you spotlight your product, Amazon advertising is a competitive marketplace. You’ll need creative advertising copy and unique visual techniques to make your Amazon-sponsored ads say, ‘Hey, stop and click on me.’ 

At Voice123 – the home of talented advertisement voice actors – we understand that marketing needs creativity, persistence, and nifty sales strategies. So, here we’ll share super steps on what are Amazon ads, how to advertise on Amazon, and an Amazon advertising strategy you can implement to make the best ads in 2024.

Get ready to turn clicks into customers, one Amazon ad at a time.

What are Amazon ads

Amazon Ads are an advertising service that businesses and sellers use to promote their products on Amazon-owned platforms and international marketplaces. There’s a PPC (pay-per-click) pricing model, so sellers only pay when customers click their ads, which usually appear on product detail pages, the Amazon homepage, or the app. The most common Amazon advertising is sponsored products, brands, and display (video/banner) ads

Here’s more on each one. 

  • Amazon-sponsored ads let sellers promote individual products to customers looking for related items. If you’re selling athletic shoes, you can advertise running shoes to users looking for sports gear – which pushes your product to a prime position, making it one of the first product ads customers see. 
  • Amazon-sponsored brand ads allow simultaneous advertising of an entire range. So, you can promote healthy snacks, equipment, and supplements together if you own a health food brand. You can customize the headline, logo, and product selection, allowing better visibility by appearing at the top of search results. 
  • Amazon-sponsored displays are banner advertisements on and off Amazon that reach customers interested in similar products. If you sell barbecue tools, you can target customers interested in camping or home equipment, leveraging their interest while they browse websites or apps other than the Amazon platform.  

What is Amazon advertising?

Amazon ads

Amazon advertising is a marketing tool sellers, vendors, and brands use to create, promote, and manage Amazon sponsored ads so they reach wider audiences. Features and services like DSP (Demand-Side Platform), stores, attribution, and video ads allow audience targeting, ad tracking performance, and campaign optimization for better sales results. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of each one: 

  • Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) lets sellers place video and display ads on Amazon and other websites targeting shoppers’ interests, behaviors, and purchase histories. Draw customers searching for health products on health and wellness websites. 
  • Amazon Stores offer sellers space to highlight their products in a branded environment, leveraging the platform for educational content. A beauty brand can use skincare routine articles, video tutorials, and user-generated content to feature specific product sections.
  • Amazon Attribution lets sellers track marketing campaigns, analyze ad performance, and identify successful targeting strategies. You can use Amazon Attribution to trace your conversion rates when promoting smart home devices through Instagram ads. 
  • Amazon Video Ads appear in search results and product detail pages. They include custom headlines with up to six products and CTA buttons. To promote a tech gadget, create an intriguing video highlighting its innovative features and benefits.

Let’s look at a few Amazon advertising steps.

How to advertise on Amazon in 5 steps

  1. Create an Amazon Ads account, choosing between the Individual or Professional option based on sales volume.
  2. Optimize your product listing with high-quality images, product titles, descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  3. Choose the best Amazon advertising campaign for your goals: sponsored products, brands, or displays.
  4. Identify relevant keywords with Amazon’s Keyword Planner or other tools to find high-performing product-related keywords.
  5. Set up your campaign by choosing your target audience, budget, and bid strategy.

Amazon advertising strategy: A 5-step plan 

  1. Define your customer demographics by understanding their purchasing behaviors to formulate the best ad strategy.
  2. Choose Amazon Prime ads based on your campaign goals, like display banners, product ads, and sponsored content. 
  3. Analyze competitor strategies with data tools to monitor their ad performance, price strategies, and consumer engagement.
  4. Invest time in finding high-performing keywords to develop compelling ad copy that resonates with your target audience.
  5. Hire pro Voice123 voice actors to add emotional appeal to audio ads customers hear on Amazon Music or Audible

How much do Amazon ads cost?

Amazon advertising costs $0.89 for every ad click. For PPC campaigns, advertisers generally pay between $0.05 and $10 per click, $0,97 for sponsored products, and $1.16 for sponsored brands, with most successful campaigns costing $50 to $100 daily. Amazon’s auction-based system also lets advertisers bid on keywords and placement and set daily or monthly budgets with a minimum bid of $0.10 for sponsored products and a minimum budget of $1,000 monthly for sponsored brands.

Amazon ads for authors

Amazon ads

Amazon Prime Ads are targeted advertising strategies that help writers draw readers through different promotional options. These include sponsored pay-per-click ads appearing in search results, sponsored brands at the top of search results, and product display ads on product detail pages targeting specific genres. An Amazon Author Central account lets authors create an author page with a bio, photos, videos, and blog links. Add an eBook to Kindle Direct Publishing and use tools like Kindle Countdown Deals to boost visibility and attract readers.

Final thoughts on Amazon ads

And there you have it, folks – The Advertiser’s Guide to Amazon Prime Ads – no hitchhiking needed! Whatever your product, you can use the most common ad types: sponsored products, brands, and display (video/banner) ads. And be sure to take full advantage of valuable tools like DSP (Demand-Side Platform), stores, attribution, and video ads. So, these are the best Amazon Prime ads tools to maximize your campaign’s effectiveness.

So, now you’re ready to make awesome Amazon ads with professional Voice123 voice actors. Or use our Managed Services and have an entire team help you create unforgettable ads. 

What are you waiting for? Start creating Amazon ads today!


What are Amazon ads?

They are promotional ad placements that sellers on Amazon use to promote products to targeted audiences. These ads appear on search results and product pages, increasing product visibility and driving sales.

What is the cost of Amazon ads?

The ads work on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, with advertisers paying between $0.05 and $10 per click or $0.89 on average.

How profitable are Amazon ads?

It depends on product competitiveness, targeting, and strategy, but these ads can increase product visibility, leading to higher sales.

Do you pay for Amazon ads?

Yes, sellers pay for ads on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, so they pay every time a shopper clicks on the ad, whether it results in a sale or not.


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