Website copy: image of Web designer and programmer discussing website project

How to write the most compelling website copy

“Your website looks great!” 

A perfect compliment from a customer, right? If you’re a design company, sure. For every other company, it’s not so great. 


Well, first of all, consider this:

Your website is easy to understand and I found exactly what I’m looking for. 

That’s more like it.

Websites looking to draw in users and convert them to paid customers need compelling website copy. Consequently, with 4.66 billion people surfing the net, you can’t afford to have website copy that’s boring, dated, or written by someone somewhere in your company during their lunch break. 

What is compelling website copy? 

Website copy refers to all the wording that is used on your website. It’s everything from your About page to your FAQ section. But why does it have to be compelling? Why can’t it just be factual and informative? 

Website copy: image of pair of spectacles and a sheet of paper
Image: Envato

That’s kinda like asking why chocolate cake needs delicious frosting. Why can’t it just be brown and edible? Well, brown, edible sponges don’t light up our lives unless they’re covered in delicious frosting. And factual information though informative doesn’t light up a user’s experience. 

Online users in 2021 have short attention spans and are always one click away from moving on to the next website. Statistics show that users spend an average of 5.59 seconds reading website copy on a homepage. That’s as long as it takes you to blink twice, check the time on your watch, or double-back to read that sentence again. 

If your website copy isn’t compelling enough for these users, 6 seconds of their time is all you’re gonna get. Wave goodbye to sales, profits, and that fancy vacation in the Bahamas you’ve always wanted. 

What are some types of compelling website copy? 

The best way to draw in readers is to create a story and weave it into the framework of each page. When creating menus, drop-downs, and explanations, keep it simple. Users don’t want to spend time reading or searching through anything unnecessary. 

What about website copy for sales? Keep the story going by creating vivid mental pictures. For example, imagine that you’re selling winter blankets and your tagline is Best winter blankets to keep you warm. 

Is it true? Yes. Is it compelling? No. The customer has probably seen tons of other blankets on competitor websites.

Now, imagine if they read: Snuggle up with your loved ones in these winter warmers. 

The chances of a sale are much higher because it’s true, it creates a mental picture, and it’s compelling. Here’s another one. 

Tasty sugar-free ice cream in all kinds of fruity flavors. 

Again, it’s true and factual, but not compelling. 

Indulge in our fruity-flavored ice cream. Less sugar. More taste.  

Now, who doesn’t want tasty ice cream without worrying about the calorie content? 

5 tips to write compelling website copy 

Image: Envato

1. Write from the users’ perspective:

Tech-savvy users are looking for in-depth descriptions. Users in a hurry are skimming through benefits. The cautious ones are evaluating your features, and the skeptical ones are weighing up your reviews. Each section needs to be tailored to the right user, so write what they’d like to know, not what you think they need to know.  

2. Write for SEO:

Search engine optimization is about using the right keywords to be picked up by search engines. This is vital because most users are redirected to company websites after an online search. In essence, you might have the best ‘warm winter blankets’ but if you don’t have that written on your website, it won’t be found by customers looking to buy ‘warm winter blankets.’ 

3. Identity the purpose of your copy:

People don’t buy phones as ornaments or eat ice cream for the sake of it. They buy phones because they want to stay in touch and they eat ice cream because it tastes good. People also don’t read copy unless it’s for a specific reason. So only add content if it has a purpose or fills a need.   

4. Use power phrases:

Remember the last time you carried too many things and desperately shouted at the nearest person to ‘quick, help’ before you dropped everything? Imagine if you had rather said, ‘if anyone has a spare moment to assist, I would sincerely appreciate a helping hand before it falls.’ Sounds ridiculous, right? This is exactly what you need to avoid. Get to the point with power phrases like, ‘Only available for the next 24 hours! Sign up now to get a free hoodie! 

5. Hire a professional:

If your company doesn’t have an in-house writer, you can find freelance writers for your projects online. Did you know marketplaces like Voice123 have a wide range of freelancers who not only do voiceovers, but also offer copywriting, editing, and production services? These might cost a little more, but it can mean the difference between a vacation in the Bahamas or a weekend with your in-laws.  

Closing thoughts 

Writing compelling website copy is like taking a selfie. You have to stand at the right angle and show your good side. That means you have to avoid unnecessary clutter, only write what you need to, and be sure it’s written by someone who can tell the magical story of your brand. 

If you write website copy that makes users stop, think, feel and act, you can start packing your bags and wave goodbye to your in-laws. The Bahamas here we come. 

So, now you know how to write compelling website copy. What are you waiting for? 

Finally, we wish you all the best – and that said, having a compelling introductory video on your website is a great idea too. If you’re looking for a perfect voice, look no further than Voice123!


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