Let's help one another through COVID-19: Voice123 logo

Let’s help one another through COVID-19

Dear fellow creatives,

Much like you, we’re keeping our fingers on the pulse of developments surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s truly heartening to see that communities around the world are proactively rising in support of one another.

Where there is heart, there is always hope.

We know many businesses are struggling to cope and are finding the transition to working remotely difficult. We’ve studied the market carefully and would like to outline measures we think should help:

  • Given the drop in business activity as companies adapt to working from home, make sure you’re ready for it by mapping out a contingency plan to avoid future consequences that could harm your business.
  • Get ready to work remotely. Voice123 has been a remote company for years, so if your need is urgent, please reach out to us directly so we can help you get your business up and running. We’re busy transforming all our own frameworks and methodologies into infographics and videos that we will share with you.
  • Get ready for e-learning, medical narration, IVRs, and gaming. If you’re an actor, make sure you upload samples. If you’re a client, work with our voice acting professionals to create your best work yet.
  • Prepare for different types of pricing. You might even consider revenue sharing as an option to keep going. We can offer advice on this.

Rest assured that Voice123 is up and running and will remain so. Voice actors may have to accommodate a temporary drop in the amount of work coming in as our clients adjust to the new reality of having to run their businesses remotely. We’ve seen a slight decline in categories like advertising, but this is being compensated for by an increase in other categories.

One thing is absolutely certain: whenever we have any information we think may be useful to you in managing the crisis as either one of our clients or voice actors, we’ll share it with you immediately.

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. By doing so, we’ll all get through this together and be better and stronger for it.

On behalf of the whole Voice123 team,

Keep well!

Rolf Veldman
CEO, Voice123


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