Whether you’re chilling out at home, bunking at a friend’s, relaxing in a hotel room, or cruising at 31000 feet in an airplane, the one thing you’re sure to find is a T.V. screen. An invention that has entertained, educated, and influenced users worldwide since the early 1900s. It’s no wonder World Television Day was established on November 21, 1996, to recognize its global impact.
Yet, television’s appeal extends beyond just movies and T.V. shows. Commercials introduce convenient products, documentaries educate, and the news keeps people up-to-date with current affairs. And though T.V. has preserved various breakthrough changes over the years, from hosts to anchors, S.D. to H.D., black and white to color, and even directors to actors, the power of voice is still at the core of T.V.
World Television Day: the evolution of television

Television evolves with each passing year from a simple tiny box with moving pictures to 1000-inch screens with surround sound. By extension, it’s become a doorway to countries, cultures, and languages. Whether you tune in from a house on the beach or a 5-star hotel – a T.V. set can unite viewers in celebrations like the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, or through heartache, like the passing of N.B.A. star Kobe Bryant. That’s how the power of voice has become an integral part of T.V. because a human voice is appealing and absolutely necessary! Can you image movies, T.V. shows, documentaries, and commercials without the power of voice? It’s simply unimaginable.
The power of voice in movies
In our digital era, voice overs can touch the heart of a person on a drive home or watching a favorite T.V. show on the couch. Voice overs, like visual appearance, can capture and hold a person’s interest. For example, a colorfully packaged cookie box automatically catches shoppers’ attention, and an emotionally appealing movie poster draws viewers to a film.
The power of voice has the same attractiveness and appeal; commercials entice shoppers to a product, while movie trailers pull viewers to a film. For 33 years, Don LaFontaine lent his voice to over 5000 movie trailers and 350 000 commercials. And whether you’re a Gen X, Y, or Z, you’ve probably heard Don’s deep voice build hype and excitement in well-known movies like Die Hard and Speed. Movies may have started as silent and black and white in the days of film icon Charlie Chaplin but fast-forward decades later, and voice overs in movies are even more powerful and versatile.
Today, voice actors can even bring A.I. and animal-like characters to life on-screen. For example, Marvel’s wisecracking Rocket Raccoon, voiced by Bradley Cooper, and Paul Bettany, the voice of Iron man’s calm, cool, and collected A.I. assistant J.A.R.V.I.S.
The power of voice in TV shows
Tv shows have become a part of everyday life, and the characters turn into, well… friends. And it’s typically the power of voice combined with believable acting that connects viewers to characters. Some voice actors and actors can even voice multiple characters in the same show. Two examples are Justin Roiland, the voice of Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith, and others in Rick and Morty, and Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart and Maggie Simpson. It isn’t easy to imagine these characters portrayed by any other actors. In fact, it’s hard to imagine these characters without voices at all!
The power of voice in documentaries
Documentaries are diverse. They bring biopics, true crime, behind-the-scenes music concerts, animal habits, and even natural disasters to life. Although they guide people, the power of voice in documentaries can also teach people. March of the penguins, for example, is an oscar winner, B.M.I. Film & T.V. Awards winner and Critics choice award winner. With the soulful narration of Morgan Freeman, the documentary tells the life story of Emperor Penguins and was even adapted into a video game. Would the power of the documentary be the same without the influence of voice?
Interestingly, the power of voice overs in documentaries is also intertwined with brand representation as it can enhance the credibility of the topics’ focus. Sir David Attenborough, referred to as the voice of our planet – is a credible and authoritative voice of nature. It’s also become synonymous with environmental content as the power of voice enhances the power of belief and persuasion.
The power of voice in commercials

Commercials sell! But only if they pack a persuasive punch! If they do, they can make something as ordinary as a new brand of toilet paper more appealing. It’s enough to make a person stop mid-text and look up – if only for a moment to hear, “Betcha can’t eat just one.” In essence, they combine short stories or films. But what makes commercials successful? The eye-catching visuals and engaging scriptwriting? Certainly, that helps! Combined with the power of voice in a commercial, it speaks to a viewer’s heart, gives them goosebumps. It also sends a chill up the spine, and takes one down memory lane.
The power of voice in commercials convinces viewers to buy. Instead of being a nice to have, a voice over narration should be a must-have for any commercial.
Compelling audio and visual elements stop a commercial from falling flat. Think of your favorite commercial slogan. Maybe you heard it on the radio stuck in morning traffic or in between your favorite T.V. show. Either way, the speaker’s voice, though all you hear, keeps the phrase in your mind throughout the day. Commercials work the same way. The first-ever commercial, from the Bulova Watch Company, was just a 10-second spot that used simple graphics and a one-sentence voice over: America runs on Bulova time. Years later, Bulova collaborated with Marc Anthony, an international music star using voice and music to advertise their brand.
World Television Day: use the power of voice.
World Television Day is undoubtedly an exciting celebration that compels people to pause and think back over the years. The movies, tv shows, documentaries, and commercials have shaped and influenced the lives of many and will continue to do so.
Think of a voice that made an impact on you on this World Television Day. Maybe you heard it in a commercial, or it was your favorite character in a show or movie. Wherever you heard it, odds are, the voice resonates with you because of a particular trait that made it more appealing. Perhaps it was vibrant and warm or soft and gentle. The different vocal features were enough to make you stop and listen instead of hopping to another channel because voice overs draw in a viewer. They excite, anger, and even sadden. Whatever emotion a voice evokes, it has the power to convince, encourage, and persuade.
Are you in the middle of a creative project or busy planning your next one? Be sure to use the power of voice to bring your project to life. Do so every day, not just on World Television Day! Whether you need documentary voice styles like Morgan Freeman and David Attenborough or a commercial voice like Jon Hamm for Mercedes-Benz, Voice123 has all the vocal talent you need to join the ranks of T.V.’s most outstanding storytellers!