Hire voice actors with Southern accents

Southern Accents can infuse your project with warmth, allure, and a touch of Southern hospitality – whether it’s commercials, video games, movie characters, or radio ads. Voices with Southern accents exude smooth charisma. As these differ by region, some southern accents in the U.S. are associated with states like Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Tennessee. Our voice actors are versatile and can adapt their tone and style to suit your project’s specific requirements, be it a classic Southern drawl with a subtle hint of charm or a specific regional accent. Tour our selection of Southern accents to find the right voice style for your next project.

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What are Southern accents?  

Southern accents have distinctive speech patterns and pronunciation styles. Vowel sounds, in particular, have the most vocal emphasis. For example, the “a” sound in “cat” has a lengthened “ah” sound, so it sounds like “caht.” Whereas the “i” sound in “ride” is pronounced as a diphthong, sounding like “raahd.” The letter “r” is prominent, in most words, like “idea,” which sounds like “idear.” And the “o” sound in “home” is monophthongized, sounding like “hahm.” Southern accents also feature a distinctive “drawl,” or elongated pronunciation of certain syllables. So the voice has a slow, relaxed quality. Specify in your project brief the exact southern accents you need, providing examples to guide the voice actor. For example, ‘We’re looking for a Texan drawl like Matthew McConaughey’s from ‘Mud,’ for a video game character, or we need a female Tennessee southern accent like Reese Witherspoon’s from ‘Sweet Home Alabama.’ 

Why you should use Southern accents voice styles in your next project 

By incorporating Southern accents into your next project, you can depict the linguistic nuances and regional diversity of the Southern United States. They deepen the richness of your characters and add a unique identity to engage audiences and enhance storytelling. So, whether it’s a film or commercial, Southern accents have unique language patterns, idioms, and expressions that can enrich Southern cultural experiences for audiences. 



Are Southern accents always the same?
No, they differ by region. For example, states like Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia have noticeable pronunciation differences and different dialects. Accents are also influenced by historical context and cultural diversity.
Why are Southern accents slower with deeper drawls?
Some paces and drawls are affected by individual speaking patterns and rhythms. The climate is also more humid, which may have inspired a laid-back speaking style.
Are Southern accents still common?
While some states in the U.S. have declining Southern accents because of migration and media influence, Southern accents are still prevalent.