Hire Catalan voice actors

The best Catalan voice actors are Michelle Jenner, Jordi Boixaderas, and Belén Barenys. Michelle Jenner voiced Hermoine Granger in the Catalan dub of the first four Harry Potter films. Her voice style is youthful, energetic, and expressive to mimic the original voice style of Granger. Jordi Boixaderas is a Catalan dubbing and voice actor on Voice123. He has dubbed the voices of famous actors like Russell Crowe in Gladiator, Gerard Butler in Gamer, and other famous dubbing voice overs like Optimus Prime in the Transformers movies and Vin Diesel in Triple X. Belén Barenys dubbed Princess Elizabeth in The King’s Speech, and she voiced characters for the Catalan release of Brother Bear. She also dubbed Catalan voices for various Disney and Pixar films like Up, Frozen, Brave, and Inside Out.

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What is the voice over style of Catalan actors?

The voice over style of Catalan actors is versatile, adaptable, and emotional. Catalan voice actors for dubbing projects can mimic the original actor’s voice and inflection, enabling them to preserve the character’s essence while adapting the dialogues to Catalan. They skillfully showcase the emotions, energy, and nuances of the characters they dub, making the Catalan versions just as engaging as the original. 

Why you should use Catalan actors for your voice over projects

Catalan voice actors can bring authenticity to your content with their inherent understanding of the language and nuances of the language. Their skilled delivery can enhance the emotional resonance of your content and foster a deeper connection with the audience, ensuring that the message is not lost in translation. The versatile voice styles of Catalan actors can cater to various projects, from animated films to Hollywood blockbuster productions. So, if your target market includes Catalan speakers, hiring Catalan voice actors can significantly improve your project’s reception and overall success.



Who are the best Catalan actors for voice overs?
They are Michelle Jenner as the Catalan voice of Hermoine Granger, Jordi Boixaderas as a dubbing voice over artist for films like Gladiator and Transformers, and Belén Barenys, who dubs Catalan voices for Disney and Pixar films.
What do Catalan voice actors sound like?
Catalan voice actors sound versatile, adaptable, and emotional, and they can dub projects in a way that captures the essence of the original characters’ voices and personalities.
Why should I use Catalan voice actors in my projects?
If your target market includes Catalan speakers, hiring Catalan voice actors can significantly improve your project’s reception and overall success.