Audio editing plays a mission-critical role in determining the overall quality of the end product. What’s more, it doesn’t matter whether you’re running an intro-level podcast or producing a high-octane marketing video to promote your business’s product or services.
Audio editing is also an intricate and layered process. The needs of each project dictate an individual approach to the editing process; it’s dependent on the unique goals you want to achieve. For example, a voice over project requires a completely different approach to editing than a music project. It requires knowledge as well as a fundamental skill with regard to the tools used. This can entail a vast and confusing array of limiters, compressors, EQs, noise-gates, de-essers, and so on.
By nature of their profession, voice actors and sound engineers know these tools. By contrast, as a business owner or marketer, you probably won’t. Inevitably, this prompts the question: Exactly what is audio editing, and should you outsource yours?
What is audio editing

To an inexperienced person, it might simply sound like the business of cutting up and cutting out bits from an audio file and putting it back together afterward. While that’s true, audio editing can get a whole lot more complicated. Audio editing includes everything required for broadcast-ready audio. If things like formatting, resolution, debreathing, de-essing, declicking, compression, and mastering sound like a foreign language to you, outsourcing the job may well be advisable.
The effect of digitalization on audio editing
As an aside, it’s equally important to note just how big an effect digitalization has had on the process of audio editing. It’s become a whole lot more affordable when compared to even a decade ago. Then, the process was reserved for industry experts, highly-trained professionals, and big studios. They were the only ones who had the resources to access the exclusive tools and equipment required.
Expensive, exclusive tools and equipment, however, are much easier to access today. There is also a multitude of digital software available for free online. Affordability has led to many businesses and individuals doing their audio-editing by themselves, rather than outsourcing. Of course, this can help cut expenses, but does it ensure the same high quality?
Benefits of outsourcing your audio-editing
Outsourcing your audio editing comes with a number of benefits. Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider outsourcing your audio editing:
Access to the latest tools and equipment
While it depends on whom you choose for the job, competition is fierce in the audio-engineering field. The engineer you hire will probably use the very latest tools and equipment for your project. This will ensure very high-quality for your audio, no matter what kind of project you are working on.
Truly professional editing tools can be pricey – and a whole suite of tools may not be worth the investment for you unless you use the tools for the best part of every day. Unless you intend to mix and master a lot of audio or audiovisual material on an ongoing basis, outsourcing is your best bet.
Industry experts work on your audio
You’ll have experienced engineers editing and working on your audio, so you can rest assured they know what they’re doing. They’ll be able to mix, match and master without blinking. Even if you’re not entirely sure how you want to edit your audio or what changes you want to make, they can recommend and make suggestions to help you achieve the kind of sound you’re looking for.
Consistent audio quality
If you are outsourcing and you go to the same producer or sound engineer for all your editing, you’ll be guaranteed consistent audio quality. This means your audio will sound the same across different projects and across different files. This ensures that the final products all share the same level of professionalism.
Outsourcing your audio editing is time-saving. No matter how large your audio project may be, you can be certain they’ll finish and deliver on time. Because time is money, saving time is saving money.
Allows you to focus on other things
When you’re outsourcing, it means you have one less task on your own plate. Leaving it to the professionals provides peace of mind. It also gives you much more time to focus on other aspects of your work and business, thus increasing your own productivity and efficiency.
Final thoughts

More often than not, however, trying to do your own audio editing when you are not sufficiently skilled in all its intricacies is being penny-wise and pound-foolish. So should you outsource your audio editing? Consider your situation carefully! It’s particularly important to note that many – if not most – of the professional voice actors on Voice123 offer more services than voice over alone. Also, if you have multiple VA projects – or multiple VA projects – you can make use of Voice123’s managed services for curated, edited voice overs and post a project for free. To get a free quote, click here.