Be it a short TV ad, a lengthy documentary, or anything else in between, creating captivating audiovisual content is not always easy. However, the long road from conceptualization to completion is only half the distance once you’ve passed casting the right voice actor.
Finding the right voice for your production can be a lot of work. It may take more than simply posting a project on Voice123 to get the job done.
That’s not to say you can’t find exactly the right voice actor in just a few clicks. But as any well-experienced producer will tell you, you shouldn’t bet on the luck of the draw.
Golfing legend Gary Player once said: “The harder I practice, the luckier I get.” So, going from mediocre to masterpiece involves effort, commitment, and comprehensive project brief templates.
To get started, you can follow these tips on how to cast a voice actor:
Identify the pitfalls in voice casting
Let’s not beat around the bush. If you’re looking for a voice actor, you may already have someone in mind.

When casting a voice artist, people usually think of the voice they hear in their heads. It’s only natural – much like how we visualize an ad concept before starting with the production.
However, when it comes to voice over projects, you must resist this natural inclination. Fight the urge to envision what it should or shouldn’t sound like. Rather, consider your target audience and think from their perspective to decide what’ll work best.
Failing to do so is one of the most lethal brand voice mistakes that can cost you your customers.
When you tap into their psyche, you can better identify what makes your customers tick.
This, in turn, allows you to pick the right voice artist for your project.
Focus on the emotions that describe your brand

Again, thinking from the customers’ point of view, list the emotions they would commonly associate with your brand.
It would be best to consider the different aspects of voice acting at this point. For example, do you need a male or a female voice actor? Should they sound young and energetic or maintain a more serious tone instead? What type of voice will work best for your audience – deep and professional, excited and friendly, or a mix in between?
When considering how your script should sound, pay attention to the differences in masculine and feminine voices and the emotions they best convey.
For instance, if you are creating an ad or an eLearning video for financial services, you need to provide the audience with a sense of security. Therefore, a deep masculine voice may be best suited for the purpose.
Similarly, if it’s an ad for baby products, a female voice artist might do a better job of conveying the emotions that you hope to evoke with the ad.

The right voice for your voice over project will breathe life into the script.
When posting a project on Voice123, you can call for custom auditions by including a portion of the script you’d like the voice actors to read. It’s like a casting call.
Ultimately, the key to successfully casting a voice actor for your project is briefing the candidates well. Provide a comprehensive brief so you can effectively shortlist the ones who can provide you exactly with want you want.
Bottom Line
If you’ve been putting sweat and blood into bringing your ideas to life, it makes sense to do the same for voice casting. After all, it’s a mission-critical step – the voice you choose can take your project to great heights or cause it to fail.
Casting the right voice actor for your project doesn’t have to be a grueling task!
Always remember: if you’re having trouble, get in touch with Voice123’s customer success team. They’re there to help you!