Overwatch voice actors

Overwatch voice actors: How to cast the best voices!

Overwatch voice actors bring iconic gaming characters like Mercy and Sombra to life. The Mercy voice actor creates a soothing guardian angel persona with a gentle tone, while the Sombra voice actor enriches the powerful infiltrator with mischievous whispers. With distinct voices and personalities, the Overwatch characters are a goldmine of AV inspiration.   

At Voice123 – where you’ll find exceptional video game voice actors – we’ve got awesome insights for your 2024 AV projects. Here, we’ll break down the Overwatch cast and the Overwatch 2 new characters with AV casting tips.

Ready to enter the gateway to epic gaming inspo? 

What is Overwatch? 

Overwatch voice actors

Overwatch is a first-person team-based multiplayer hero shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment, where players work together in teams to complete objectives using maps in short timeframes. The first Overwatch characters launched in 2016, gaining over 50 million players because of their fascinating gameplay and story. With 40 different options, players can choose from all Overwatch characters without charge, competing in game modes like Assault, Escort, Control, and Hybrid. The game has an esports scene, with tournaments like the Overwatch League that attract millions with huge prize pools. From Tracer’s cheery British accent to Winston’s commanding presence, the Overwatch voice actors enhance the game’s immersive world with dramatic vocal flair. 

Overwatch cast: The voices behind the characters 

1. Tracer 

Cara Theobold is the Tracer voice actor. Theobold infuses Tracer with bubbly energy and a crisp British accent, reflecting her upbeat, adventurous personality with, “Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!”

2. Reaper 

Keith Ferguson voices the Reaper, delivering his lines with a deep, sinister voice, accentuating his brooding, vengeful nature in his key line, “Death walks among you.”

3. Winston 

Crispin Freeman is the Winston voice actor. Freeman gives Winston a warm, authoritative voice that captures his intelligence and duty as a scientist and leader. His main phrase is, “Imagination is the essence of discovery.”

4. Mercy 

Lucie Pohl is the Mercy voice actor. Pohl infuses Mercy’s voice with compassion and empathy, highlighting her role as a healer and protector, especially when she says, “Heroes never die!”

5. Junkrat 

Chris Parson voices Junkrat, capturing his manic energy and Australian accent, creating a chaotic, unpredictable character. His most entertaining line is, “It’s a perfect day for some mayhem!”

6. Soldier: 76 

Fred Tatasciore is the Soldier 76 voice actor. Tatasciore adds a gruff, authoritative tone to Soldier’s voice, reflecting his status as a battle-hardened leader. His key phrase is, “I’ve got you in my sights.”

7. Symmetra 

Anjali Bhimani voices Symmetra, adding elegance to her voice that reflects Symmetra’s meticulous nature and dedication to order. Her main line is, “The true enemy of humanity is disorder.”

8. Mei-Ling Zhou

Elise Zhang is the Mei-Ling Zhou voice actor. Zhang gives Mei a cheerful, optimistic voice, underscoring her determination to ‘make the world a better place,’ especially when she says, “Our world is worth fighting for!”

9. Sombra

Carolina Ravassa is the Sombra voice actor. Ravassa brings the master manipulator to life with a cunning tone that blends confidence with mischief when she says, “In my world, there are no secrets.” 

10. Widowmaker 

Chloe Hollings voices Widowmaker and delivers her lines with a cold, detached demeanor, reflecting her status as a ruthless assassin as she says, “One shot, one kill.”

Overwatch 2 new characters: Fresh voices and personalities 

1. Overwatch voice actors: Echo

Jeannie Bolet is the voice actor for Echo, one of Dr. Mina Liao’s creations. Bolet’s voice captures this Overwatch 2 character’s complex nature as an AI with evolving emotions, giving her a realistic personality. 

2. Overwatch voice actors: Mauga 

John Tui is the Mauga voice actor, the former Talon Heavy Assault. Tui captures Mauga’s imposing presence and conflicted nature, adding layers to his character and enhancing his impact on the story.

3. Overwatch voice actors: Sojourn 

Cherise Boothe voices Sojourn, the Strike Commander of Overwatch. Boothe captures this Overwatch 2 new character’s strong, charismatic personality, bringing her inspiring leadership qualities to life.

4. Overwatch voice actors: Baptiste 

Benz Antoine is the Baptiste voice actor, a former Talon combat medic. Antoine captures Baptiste’s compassion as a combat medic turned hero, making his journey and motivations more compelling to players.

5. Overwatch voice actors: Sanjay Korpal

Anupam Kher voices Sanjay Korpal, the Vishkar Corporation representative. Kher captures his manipulative yet charismatic persona with a smooth voice style. 

AV casting tips from the Overwatch voice actors

1. Hold character auditions

The Overwatch cast creators matched voice actors with vocal qualities that enhanced individual character traits. During auditions, allow voice actors to read scripted dialogue to understand how their tone matches the character’s personality and background. 

2. Chemistry test recordings 

All Overwatch characters were paired during casting to evaluate their recording chemistry and rapport. This way, creators could assess how the voices complemented character dynamics. This technique can help you simulate character interactions to find the best vocal match for duet dialog. 

3. Adaptive voice direction 

Overwatch cast directors gave voice actors personal guidance during recording sessions to maximize their vocal potential and refine character performances. This method plays to a voice actor’s strengths while fulfilling character requirements. 

4. Test for adaptability

The Overwatch cast process involved testing voice actors’ ability to pivot and adapt to character or story changes so they could handle evolving gameplay. Present voice actors with unexpected scenarios or character adjustments during auditions to see how they pivot. 

5. Character research materials 

Overwatch voice actors needed detailed materials to understand the world and character motivations to deliver authentic, nuanced performances. Provide voice actors with detailed profiles, backstory information, and visual references to help them deliver informed performances. 

Final thoughts on the Overwatch voice actors

Overwatch voice actors

The Overwatch cast universe is not just about gameplay and visuals; it’s about the unique vocal talent that brings fantastical characters to life. But don’t underestimate the power of voice over directing. When you’re ready to explore new realms of creativity, let the iconic Overwatch voice actors guide you toward casting the best voices for your project. 

Now that you have a complete Overwatch 2 new characters profile, bring your voice over project to life with the vocal pros on Voice123. Or hire our full-scale Managed Services to oversee your project. 

FAQs on the Overwatch voice actors

Who voice acts Overwatch?

There are 40 different Overwatch characters. Some voice actors include Charlet Chung as D.Va, Sahr Ngaujah as Doomfist, Leah de Niese as Junker Queen, and Cherrelle Skeete as Orisa.

Who is the voice actor for Hanzo Overwatch?

Paul Nakauchi is the voice actor for Hanzo Shimada in Overwatch. 

Who was McCree’s old voice actor?

McCree is an American bounty hunter voiced by Matthew Mercer. The character’s name was changed from McCree to Cole Cassidy.  

Who is Reaper’s voice actor in Overwatch?

Keith Ferguson is the Reaper voice actor. 


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