Everything about voice acting

Voice acting in the Voice over Guide covers the ins & outs of topics you need to consider when starting out in the voice over industry.…

How to find voice acting jobs

How to find voice acting jobs covers informative topics and best practices that affect how you approach finding voice over jobs online.

How to get into voice acting | Voice over guide

Voice Over Resources

Go ahead and prep your professional voice over toolkit with our community-vetted & researched compilation of free resources for voice…

Voice over equipment for a home studio setup

Curious about the different equipment needed for a successful home studio set up for recording voice overs? We'll break it down in this…

How to make your voice sound better

Learn how to make your voice sound better by using expert tips to improve your audio post-production skills, with the help of audio…

Do you need a voice over demo?

Learn what is a voice over demo, and how a voice over demo reel has adapted to voice over samples that help bring in more voice over work.

Do you need a voice over coach?

This piece covers questions you should ask yourself when deciding whether or not you need a voice over coach. Set the right expectations,…

How to audition for voice acting jobs

Use our free checklist with 10 tips to create successful voice acting auditions, and learn how to audition for voice acting jobs.

Setting up a home recording studio

Learn what to consider when setting up a home recording studio, like equipment, processes & practices for audio production &…