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Riley Wilson
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Riley Wilson
Charming, Corporate, Intelligent, Personable and Smooth.
Last online9 months ago
Riley Wilson
Charming, Corporate, Intelligent, Personable and Smooth.
Last online9 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 11:56 - Total samples: 10
Automotive Commercial
Riley Wilson - 0:49
Riley Wilson - 1:04
Commercial High Energy
Riley Wilson - 0:45
Corporate Narration
Riley Wilson - 1:18
Explainer E Learning
Riley Wilson - 1:23
Medical Narration
Riley Wilson - 1:16
Political Commercial
Riley Wilson - 0:58
Radio TV Promo
Riley Wilson - 1:11
Telephone/On Hold Messaging
Riley Wilson - 1:09
Riley Wilson - 2:00
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About Riley
Member sinceMar 6, 2006
LocationFrisco, TX, USA (GMT -5)
Riley is THE voiceover talent for warm, deep tonality for narration, industrials, punchy commercial reads, on hold messaging, smooth, professional interpretive skills for complex copy, like medical, legal and technical scripts, etc. Very easy to work with and coachable for specific projects that must be done precisely. Great sounding voiceovers done on time and under budget.
But you needed the project done yesterday! No problem. I can often record and upload the finished product the same day or even faster for rush jobs. My job is simply to make you look good and make the project sound wonderful. Over two decades of recording voiceovers for hundreds of clients means I can record, edit and get you the finished product quickly.
Commercial Clients include: Auto Glass Plus, Bordner's, *Callaway’s Nursery, CHI St Luke’s Health, Don Herring Mitsubishi, E Log Homes, Grand Prairie Ford, Habitat For Humanity, Home Depot, Huntington State Bank, Life Savers Candy, Lumitact, Money Mailer, Northside Ford, Pinecrest Retirement, Providence Urgent Care, S & W Collision Repair, Spenco, Superior Auto Group, The Cash Store, UT Southwestern, White Tail Bucks calendar, Wynne Transportation, Wingstop and many more.
Narration/E Learning clients include: Aetna, AllSpec, American Heart Association, Armortek, Bravo Hotels,City of Richardson, TX, Empire Flippers, E Trak Marine, Flomax, Frito Lay, Globe Life, Hillwood Development,Immersion Graphics,, Johnson & Johnson, Lily Icos,, McKesson, Medical City Dallas, MEMC Southwest, M.T.V. **North American Phillips,Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Richardson Regional Medical Center, Speedy Dry, STC Group, The Associates, Trak Work, United American Insurance, U. S. Army, Uppercase, Inc., Voice of the Business Academy, Wahl Corporation and many more
On Hold Messaging/IVR clients include: ABC, Abby’s Pizza, Comedy Central, Coors, Disney, ESPN, Flomax, Fox Sports, Frito Lay, H.B.O., Home Depot, Home Shopping Network,, Mayan Labs, McKesson, Mirapex, MPRS, M.T.V.,Nortel, Novartis, Old Navy, Olsham Foundation, Panasonic, Papa John’s Pizza,Purity Products, R.B.R.C.,Rug Doctor, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Tarrant County Texas, Terminix, Texaco, The Learning Channel, VH-1 and many more
"An Entrepreneur In Asia- A Personal Journey of Global Proportions" By Irl M. Davis
"An Inflammation Nation: The Definitive 10-Step Guide to Preventing and Treating All Diseases through Diet, Lifestyle, and the Use of Natural Anti-Inflammatories"
By Sunil Pai MD
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Frisco, TX, USA
Additional vocal abilities
North American English
North American Texan
North American Southern
Experience, training, and equipment
Riley's a voiceover veteran with over 20 years of experience in all types of voice work. He is adept at taking direction as well as self directing and often does phone patch recording with the client for ultimate guidance on critical projects. He also occasionally travels to specific studios in North Texas when clients prefer that environment.
Custom vocal isolation booth, Mac with Audacity, Logic Pro X, Apogee, Neumann TLM103, KRK monitors, Mogami cables, etc.
"I've been a professional musician since 1972, a writer since 1987 and a voice talent since 1996. I work much quicker than other voice talents and routinely shock folks with the quality and speed of my work. I'm used to immediate turn around on projects, can take direction easily and have my own studio in my home. I've worked with the best producers, studios and directors in D/FW and can do in ear and on camera work as well. If you need something done well and needed it yesterday, I am the VO specialist that can make you look great for hiring me! I can record and upload the same day to Dropbox, .ftp sites, e mail mp3 files or burn to CD for overnight delivery. In the time it takes you to read this, I just recorded another project for someone else. Why not contact me so I can help you out RIGHT NOW?"