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Wolfang Galindo
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Wolfang Galindo
Live, Feel, Express and Interpret
Last online3 years ago
Wolfang Galindo
Live, Feel, Express and Interpret
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:06 - Total samples: 4
Wolfang Galindo - 0:15
Wolfang Galindo - 0:30
Play Station
Wolfang Galindo - 0:19
Wolfang Galindo - Reel
Wolfang Galindo - 1:01
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About Wolfang
Member sinceJun 3, 2006
LocationBogota, Colombia (GMT -5)
Anime Voices
Young Voices
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Spanish - Colombian
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Female adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Bogota, Colombia
Experience, training, and equipment
25 years
Companies in Latin America:
Studio Universal
National Geographic
Cartoon Network
Fox Life
Hallmark Channel
Disney Channel
History Channel
Companies in Colombia:
Provideo S.A.
VC Medios
Centauro Comunicaciones
JN Global Productions / Voces & Imagen
City TV
Grabando Estudios
Colombia Film
Academia de Artes Escénicas de Bogotá (acting)
ROL Productions (voice, interpretation, dubbing)
===Josh Hartnett===
*Tom Sterling - August
*Erik Kernan - Resurrecting the Champ
===Jet Li===
*Shao Huai´an - La espada del dragón
*Abott Fahai - El Hechicero y la serpiente blanca
===Jason London===
*Cody - Todos los caminos conducen a casa
*Yale - Monsterwolf
===Zak Santiago===
*Detective Lavastic - Ruslan: Venganza de un asesino
*Ramon Montalvo - Jóvenes mosqueteros
===Kyle Cassie===
*Gates - Justicia verdadera: Hermandad
*Gates - Justicia verdadera: Travesía mortal
*Gates - Justicia verdadera: Guerra en las calles
=== Anime ===
*Speed Racer - Speed Racer X - Cartoon Network
*Ken Robbins - Kaleido Star - Cartoon Network
*Arthur - Idaten Jump - ZAZ
*Dukeham - Kiba - ZAZ
*Kevin Mask - Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy
*Nobunaga & Pokkle - Hunter x Hunter - Animax
*Zigsix - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - ZAZ
*Gonji & Reni Milchstrasse - Sakura Wars - CN
*Doll Isamu - Super Doll Licca Chan - CN
*Reisui & Daigoro Okuma - Rurouni Kenshin
*Elliot Grant - Mew Mew Power - CN
*Tunnel Rat - G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 - Jetix
*Nick - Zentrix - Magic Kids
=== Animated series ===
*Ben Talak - Monster Allergy - Jetix
*Naginata - Shuriken School - Jetix
*Flynt & Kaboom - Trollz - Nick
*Lok Lambert - Huntik - ZAZ
*Salem Saberhagen - Sabrina's Secret Life - Disney
*Bailey - Horseland - Boomerang
*Bula - The Zula Patrol - NatGeo
*Spin - Rollbots - ZAZ
*Trevor - Bad Dog - Fox Kids
*Don - The Kids from Room 402 - Fox Kids
=== TV series ===
*Kenji Narukami & Ryukendo - Ryukendo - ZAZ
*Jack - Wicked Science - Jetix
*Basil - Seemore's PlayHouse - NatGeo
*Jimmy (Tyler Labine) - Breaker High
*Johh Ridd (Richard Coyle) - Lorna Doone - BBC
*Jamie (Henry Thomas) - Masters of Horror: Chocolate
=== Movies ===
*Jason Brown (Chris O'Donnell) - Cookie's Fortune
*Erik Kernan (Josh Hartnett) - Resurrecting the Champ
*Julius Caesar(Jeremy Sisto) - Julius Caesar 2002
*Angelo Donnini (Giovanni Ribisi) - Love's Brother
*Aron Akerman (John Sloan) - The Triangle
*Guigliani (Andy Garcia) - Lakeboat
*Nicholas - Wake of Death
*Stevie (Cameron Van Hoy) - Pups
Additional Voices in National Geographic:
Football Planet: History Football, World Cup Stadiums, FC Barcelona Confidential; The Da Vinci Code, Gospel of Judas, Knights Templer, Rivals of Jesus, The Apocalypse; Dark Side of Hippos, Surviving Everest, Bombay Calling, Kayaking in China 1 y 2.