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Andrew Latheron - British Male UK
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK(he/him)
Native British Voice Actor | Genuine, Smart, Relatable |
Last online30 minutes ago
Response time13 minutes
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK(he/him)
Native British Voice Actor | Genuine, Smart, Relatable |
Response time13 minutes
Last online30 minutes ago
Playlists (8)
Compilation Demos
Duration: 6:00 - Total samples: 4
Corporate Narration Demo - British Male UK - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 1:09
Commercial Demo - British Male UK - Your Best Mate - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 1:32
Gaming Demo - British Male UK - Interactive Videogame Acting Character
Andrew Latheron - British - 2:20
Fantasy Game Demo - British Male UK - Action Adventure Heroic Story
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:58
Corporate & Commercial
Duration: 13:33 - Total samples: 30
App Advert - British Male UK - Digital Mechanic - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:31
Novel Advert - British Male UK - Gritty Suspense - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:40
Leisure Ad - British Male UK - Resort Hotel Sexy - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:20
Travel Advert - British Male UK - Holiday Bookings - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:32
Holiday Advert - British Male UK - Spotify Vacation - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:15
Corporate Intense - British Male UK - Creative - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:18
Furniture Advert - British Male UK - Genuine - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:32
Awards Video - British Male UK - Millennial Urban Confident Energy
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:39
Caring Narrator - British Male UK - Military Veteran Medical Support
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:31
Secure Connections - British Male UK - Comms Tech - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:17
Corporate Company - British Male UK - Financial - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:40
Data Security - British Male UK - Data Protection Systems Explainer
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:16
Product Explainer - British Male UK - Kitchen Appliances Precision Art
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:23
Hardware Ad - British Male UK - Software Technology - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:14
Promo Tag - British Male UK - Security Safe E-Sign - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:06
Promo Tag - British Male UK - Fun Energetic Bright - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:18
Kids Museum Ad - British Male UK - Family Entertain - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:19
Adult Store Advert - British Male UK - Saucy - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:34
Podcast Ad - British Male UK - News Discussion - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:19
Corporate Casual - British Male UK - Events - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:19
Hotel Ad - British Male UK - Scottish Holiday Break - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:14
Image Film - British Male UK - Restaurant Socially - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:54
Promo - British Male UK - Club Owner - Mysterious - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:24
Florist Ad - British Male UK - Flowers Gift Presents - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:19
Dealership Advert - British Male UK - Warm Inviting - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:21
Political Ad - British Male UK - Fairer Elections - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:28
Spotify Ad - British Male UK - Fun Inviting Offer - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:20
Theatre Promo - British Male UK - Comedy Drama Play - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:36
Commercial - British Male UK - Conversational Real - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 1:00
Event Advert - British Male UK - Expert Gamer - Andrew Latheron
Andrew Latheron - British - 0:40
Voice Acting
Duration: 9:58 - Total samples: 17
Duration: 7:46 - Total samples: 11
Podcasts & Documentaries
Duration: 14:02 - Total samples: 21
Medical Narration
Duration: 3:33 - Total samples: 7
Duration: 7:14 - Total samples: 15
Telephone / IVR
Duration: 1:45 - Total samples: 4
Reviews (8)
1 year ago
Flag review
Very flexible and responsive, despite the difference in time zones. We were able to meet a tight deadline, and he even worked over the weekend to help make it possible. I definitely recommend Andrew, and hope to work with him again!
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK1 year ago
Thanks, Johanna! It was no trouble at all! Delighted to hear your client loved the video!
2 years ago
Flag review
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK2 years ago
Thanks for the clear directions, Corinne! And all the best for the podcast!
2 years ago
Flag review
It's a real pleasure to work with him for his voice-overs: reactivity, quality and very good relationship: everything you need as a client! I recommend him!
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK2 years ago
Thank you, Mathis! Glad to help with your client's animation!
Top 10%of voice actors
This ranking is based on the average number of proposals liked or booked by clients over the past 12 months.
13 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
26 Bookings3 in the last 12 months3 in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
20 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
74 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
About Andrew
Member sinceNov 23, 2021
LocationUnited Kingdom (GMT +1)
Andrew Latheron - British Male UK is a voice actor located in the UK. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2020. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Microsoft, Coca-Cola and Adobe. Listen to 100 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Andrew Latheron is a British male voice actor. He provides young adult, adult and senior male voices. He can take remote direction or record independently.
↩ Immediate response, under 24hr turnaround, available weekends
🗣 Authentic British RP / Regional & General American accents
🔈 Intelligent, trustworthy, reassuring
📺 Commercials, corporate narration
📻 Video games, animation, audio dramas
📘 E-learning, narration, audio guides, explainers
Andrew's childhood was filled with BBC radio dramas, comedies, and video games, and he's still just as passionate about them today. He loves that he now gets to create those same experiences for others.
Before finding voice over, Andrew spent over a decade working as an architect in the British, Malaysian, and Singaporean construction industries. This allowed him to hone his communication skills by explaining complex technical information to colleagues and clients from different backgrounds.
Thanks to his versatility, creativity, and ability to connect with the human side of the words, Andrew is just as comfortable delivering a relaxed and down-to-earth read as he is with the confident, energetic, and sincere delivery required for spokespeople and instructors. He can even effortlessly switch between different characters, from a grumpy wizard ordering coffee, to a friendly guy-next-door, to a puppy who's super excited about financial reports, and then back to the wizard in time to collect his coffee.
Andrew has mastered a range of accents, from Received Pronunciation (RP) to various English dialects, including those from his native County Durham, Teesside, Tyneside (Geordie), and Northumbrian, to Yorkshire, Manchester, London, Southern England, and Southern Scotland. His acting range, allows him to narrate emotional commercials, sarcastic and sassy explainers, and e-learning courses for audiences ranging from medical professionals to young children.
A current student of RichCraft, Andrew has previously trained in voiceover at The City Literary Institute, London. He is also an talented improviser, a skill that comes in useful for adding an extra left field take (just in case). He's always looking to improve and stays up-to-date with training from coaches from all over the world.
His professional home studio is equipped for live direction via Source-Connect, Zoom etc, and he is equally comfortable when self-directing. His growing list of return clients have praised him for the quality and quick turnaround of his recordings, his ability to take direction, and friendly and professional manner.
Andrew has provided corporate narration for Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Adobe, AWS, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Costa Coffee, Pokemon Go, VMWare, Lloyds Banking Group, O2, Flow, Ermewa, Bark, Barcelo Hotel Group, The Network Forum, Totem, and Whoop
His character work clients include Adobe, Hisense, The History Channel, Puma, Asmodee, Lilith Games, Ludeon Studios, Game Science, Big Fish Games, Studio Anate, Spacedock, Foulball Hangover, Alsace Tourism Board, The Weird Tales Podcast, and Storybook Media
Skills and services offered
English - British
English - Scotland
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
United Kingdom
Additional vocal abilities
I'm trained in improv and mocap.
My accents include British RP, Northern England (Yorkshire, Teesside, Geordie, Manchester), Southern England (Home Counties, Oxfordshire, London), working class, middle class, upper class, vintage. Besides humans, I've played animals, monsters, wizards, pirates, inanimate objects, feelings, colours, abstract concepts...
Experience, training, and equipment
Commercial - Tanya Rich, Bob Lawrence, Alicia King, Greg Marston (RichCraft)
Videogames - Kirsty Gillmore, Randall Ryan
Accents & Dialect - Tom Antonellis
Animation - Mike Orenstein
Advanced Voiceover - City Literary Institute, London
Custom built recording booth (-65dB)
Neumann TLM 102 / Sennheiser MKH 416
Zoom UAC-232