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Sean Phillips
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Sean Phillips
Manly, professional, soulful, trustworthy
Last online2 years ago
Sean Phillips
Manly, professional, soulful, trustworthy
Last online2 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:45 - Total samples: 5
Commercial Demo-SeanPhillips
Sean Phillips - 1:19
TV Promo Reel
Sean Phillips - 1:14
Movie Trailer Reel
Sean Phillips - 1:23
Radio Imaging Promo Demo
Sean Phillips - 2:01
French Demo
Sean Phillips - 0:47
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About Sean
Member sinceSep 6, 2013
Distinctive, masculine, authoritative, calming and commanding - playful and rye, charming and enchanting or traditional announcery for commercials, precise and professional for presentations, gruff and tuff or dramatic and sincere, and in general can play it a little more country or a little bit county club... a mixture of Ken Nordine and Lou Rawls.
Skills and services offered
French - European
French - Canadian
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
Neutral English (think Ken Nordine or Don Lafontaine), gently British (like Higgins from Magnum PI), Eurostyle - German (like Mike Myer's Dieter from SNL) or French (like Peter Sellars as Clouseau), Quebecois, cowboy (like Sam Elliot), southern (like a football coach), surfer dude (like Sean Penn's Spicolli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High), NFL Films style (John Facenda)
Experience, training, and equipment
My VO representation is ABRAMS ARTISTS AGENCY. My clients include:
Yahoo! Sports
Yahoo! Entertainment
The Hollywood Reporter
Red Bull Entertainment
Sony Pictures
Bonnaroo Music Festival
Red Hour Productions
Spinmaster Air Hogs
Yo Gabba Gabba
Elefun Games
Iconz of Rock
McCartney Multimedia
Pikewood Creative
Hot Wheels
ToneGear String Cleaner
Grady's Coffee
Muriale's Restaurant
I am graduate of the Newhouse Communications School at Syracuse University, where I deejayed at the radio station and earned my Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Journalism
During the summer, I interned at ad agencies and radio stations, where I did my first vo promo work at 96.5 KXPK in Denver.
I took my first voice over class in the mid-90's in NYC. When I first moved to LA in 2000, I had the good fortune of meeting and being tutored by the great Don Lafontaine.
More voice over education with classes at Kalmenson& Kalmenson in Burbank, and also worked in the web production dept at 89.9 KCRW in Santa Monica.
Since 2004, in addition to my voice over work, I have been editor-in-chief of the #1 Movies and the #1 Kids destinations on the web, I have been an on on-camera host and interviewer for Yahoo, I have been a pioneer of original video programming for the web, and, most recently I consulted for The Hollywood Reporter to enhance their digital age strategy.
Microphone: Blueberry by Blue Microphones
Monitors: KXK Systems VXT 4
Pre-Amp: Universal Audio Apollo Twin w/ Furman M-8x2 Power Conditioner
Hardware: Mac Book Pro
Software: Audacity
Though I was born in Ohio, my family moved to Europe where I started school in France. I lived in Canada where I grew up near Toronto. I studied in London, and have traveled for for work everywhere from Egypt to Brazil to Kenya to Tahiti.
Here in the US, I have lived in Nashville, Denver, New York and Los Angeles.
I am always in pursuit of my global education, which I believe enhances my creative capacities and inspiration.