Same Day Turnaround Available from a Dedicated Professional Home Recording Studio
Hi! My name is Maria Pendolino and I'm an award-winning full-time professional voiceover actor. I'm the voice you've been looking for! You'll recognize my voice from high profile national commercials and industrials. My voice is warm, conversational, non-announcery, friendly, upbeat, relatable and sassy. I consider myself an older millennial and typically book in the 25-45 age range. I can age-down to sound more Gen Z and age-up to sound more Gen X. I'm here to bring your words to life from my state-of-the-art studio and make sure your message is heard above the rest. Message, email or call me to work on your project today!
Need a celebrity read style? I'm happy to read copy with the vibe and tone of folks like Scarlett Johansson, Emma Stone, Anna Kendrick, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Florence Pugh, and many more. But, just to be clear: I am not an impressionist, spot-on voice match, or tribute artist!
Check out my commercial reel on Vimeo:
As a full-time national voiceover talent, you can confidently cast me in your project and know that you will get a top-notch performance from a seasoned talent. I have my own dedicated, fully equipped home studio and I offer broadcast-quality pristine audio. I can accommodate live directed sessions via SourceConnect, ISDN, ipDTL, Zoom, Google Hangouts and Phone Patch. I can typically offer same-day or 24 hour turnaround and I always strive to be flexible on rates and budgets.
I've voiced advertising, industrial and educational content for companies like Geico, Xfinity, Google, HP Printers, American Express, Pillsbury, YouTube, Panera, Dannon, Zipcar, Zelle, Comcast, USPS, UNICEF, Whole Foods Market, Ortho Home Defense Max, Monistat, Comcast, AWS, ACT Kids Mouthwash, Symetra Insurance, Oofos, SunChips, Dove, Smashbox Cosmetics, ReBath, Robert Mondavi Wines, Proactiv, The New York Public Library and Hoover - among many others! I'm also voicing for Democratic and progressive political candidates for the 2024 election season. Note: These are representative brands and don't necessarily reflect a current commercial conflict.
I have a playlist of recent work on YouTube:
I regularly voice commercials, promos, video games, explainer videos, e-learning, corporate narration, medical narration, animation, television in-show and documentary narration, telephone systems, IVR, political, apps, voice activated smart speakers, radio imaging, automotive dealerships, live announce/Voice of God, singing and jingles.
2023 - Reed Award, Best Use of Voiceover in a TV Spot
2021 - Voiceover Artist of the Year Nominee, One Voice Awards
2021 - Best Voiceover, Independent Political TV Spot, The Reed Awards
2020 - The German Computer Game Awards, Team Nominee
2019 - 40 Under 40, Business First Biz Journals
2017 - Voice Arts Award, Best Voiceover, e-Learning
2018 - Voice Arts Award, Best Voiceover, Sales Video
2018 - Voice Arts Award, Nominee - Radio Imaging
You're probably not looking for celebrity impressions BUT - if you're looking for a celebrity sound-alike for famous folks like Anna Kendrick, Kristen Bell, Emma Stone, Rashida Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Julie Bowen, Beanie Feldstein, Allison Janney, Tina Fey, Kate McKinnon, Amy Poehler, Janeane Garafolo, Ellie Kemper, Elizabeth Banks, Rebel Wilson or Melissa McCarthy - you have come to the right place! I watch a lot of TV and I don't fast forward thru the commercials - so I'm really familiar with the types of reads that brands are using celebrities for.
I can be the best friend, the girl next door, the teacher, the girlfriend or wife, the warm announcer, the sexy and sultry woman, the office millennial, the professional co-worker, the young millennial mom and many more! For animation, video games and cartoons, I can perform a wide range of character voices and accents.
I do a lot of work in the medical, corporate, pharmaceutical, industrial and e-learning space. I specialize in bringing a friendly and approachable voice to scripts that can be very jargon-heavy and complex. I'm not afraid of long, hard to pronounce words! I know how to make it sound like I'm just their work friend from one cubicle over.
I secretly love speed talking, so send me that disclaimer, sweepstakes and legal & fair balance copy! I'm also a singer and love to work on character singing or jingles. I was a musical theatre performer in NYC before becoming a full-time voice actor and secretly, Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid might be my spirit animal.
In addition to my voice acting career, you can currently see me on television acting in Netflix's TEAM TOON as Eunice, the lunch lady. I was also a recurring character on Lifetime's hit show ARMY WIVES and a guest star on Nat Geo. My husband and I were also on an episode of HGTV's flagship show HOUSE HUNTERS. I'm also a budding stand-up comedian and take comedy classes at Helium Comedy Club. Perhaps I'll be performing in a city near you someday soon?
I have four rescue cats named Two Scoops, Mozzie, Panini and Nellie. You can follow their antics on my Instagram: @mariapendo
I am also the founder of and
Please feel free to contact me directly:
Maria Pendolino, Voiceover Talent
Visit my website at
Call or Text: 607-222-1401