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Tracey Coppedge
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Tracey Coppedge
Girl Next Door, sexy, upbeat, accent specialty
Last online8 years ago
Tracey Coppedge
Girl Next Door, sexy, upbeat, accent specialty
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 0:57 - Total samples: 1
Tracey Coppedge Demo
Tracey Coppedge - 0:57
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About Tracey
Member sinceJul 12, 2010
LocationDurham, NC, USA (GMT -4)
Fun and sexy for commercials, smooth and professional for presentations, warm and deep for narrations, light and childlike for cartoons, immaginative and quirky for book adaptations...
Duke Medical Voice Over, Battlefield Friends Animated Series - Girl Gamer, The Action Faction Animated Series (principal) by Hank and Jed, Harrington Bank, Color Brite Carpet Cleaning, University Florist, High and Rubish Insurance, WB Yates Irish Pub, WCHL, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Carolina Theatre of Durham, Durham Performing Arts Center, WTVD, LG Touch
In my personal studio, I have a MXL990 mic, with a direct mix mixer, a nady systems smps-1 condenser microphone phantom power supply. I also have direct access to a recording studio with full mixing capabilities as well as background music options.
Quick wit and the ability to improvise goes a long way in this business. It's a good thing that I've found a profession that perfectionism is a plus. That being said, I am highly professional and passionate about creating an excellent product.
I am a practiced public speaker, so my diction is outstanding even in a packed room. Years on the stage have also prepared me to breathe well and project my voice.
Over the past six years, I have been the featured voice on WTVD ABC 11 for over 40 various commercials, have been a guest performer on WCHL with over 15 recorded spots for the station, and am one of the featured narrators for internal training for the LG line of phones.