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Tim George
Tim George
Friendly with an edge, midwestern ironic, business casual
Last online6 months ago
Tim George
Friendly with an edge, midwestern ironic, business casual
Last online6 months ago
Playlists (3)
Commercial Stuff
Duration: 3:23 - Total samples: 5
Commercial Demo-Tim George
Tim George - 1:11
Tim George - 0:39
Western NY Immediate Care
Tim George - 0:30
Iowa Speedway Radio
Tim George - 0:31
Grainger Radio
Tim George - 0:31
Narration Stuff
Duration: 2:02 - Total samples: 2
Tim George - 1:15
Promo Film
Tim George - 0:46
Message on Hold
Duration: 0:36 - Total samples: 1
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About Tim
Member sinceSep 6, 2008
LocationRochester, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Tim George is a voice actor located in Rochester, NY, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2008. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Grainger, Once Again Nut Butter and . Listen to 8 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Need a confident commercial hawker to pitch hot dogs, Hondas or hemorrhoid cream,
A trustworthy corporate narrator that you’re comfortable talking finance, retirement plans or sharing your pin number with,
Or a skilled industrial explainer for projects ranging from power tools to medical procedures to fine wine (though I prefer Scotch),
I’ve got you covered.
Clear, concise, warm, toasty, strong, resonant, confident, professional, authoritative and always humble.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Mixing and mastering
Script writing
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Remote live direction
Rochester, NY, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
-Grainger-Voice of Brand, National -Radio
-Enchanted Forest Water Safari -TV/Radio
-Once Again Nut Butter -Radio
-Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield- Western NY Regional TV/Radio
-Iowa Speedway-Des Moines Regional Radio
-Doyle Chevrolet-Western NY Regional TV
-Atlanta Medical Clinic- Regional TV
-First Southern Bank-Southeast Regional Radio
-Dogwood Arts Festival- TV/Radio
-1808-Grille -Nashville TV
-Embers Cafe-Nashville TV
-Sirius XM Fishmapping
-Zebra Technologies
-CertainTeed Industrial videos - Insulsorb, Cedar Impressions, Certa-Lok
-Pro-Tech - Internet explainer videos,
-Labelmaster - explainer video
-Maryville College - Promotional videos, cinema trailer
-Oak Ridge Associated Universities - explainer videos
-Michigan National Guard - training videos
-Manning&Napier - sales tool videos
-Paslode - explainer video series
-Cobalt Digital Advertising - Explainer video
-McLaren Health Care-employee benefits explainer video
-Accunomics LLC-brand voice
-WesierMazars-Trade show presentation
-Paradigm Learning training modules
-Relias Learning training modules
-Flightdeck modules
"Triumph" by Phillip Wylie -
"Early Aviation, The Birds of War" by Jimmie Gray, Produced by Joe Loesch
"The Reeducation of a Turd Peddler" by John Graham -
Graduate of Braintracks Audio with Nancy Wolfson
VoiceTrax San Francisco Inc.:
*Animation and Beyond with Patrick Fraley
*Give me "The Works"
*Private Session With Samantha Paris
Me and My Big Mouth Workshop With Lyndie White-Wenner, Nashville
My Voice Box with Joe Loesch, Nashville
Workshop with Rodney Saulsberry, Nashville
Music performance major, Saxophone @ SUNY Geneseo 84-88
Neumann TLM103
Audition, Samplitude, Twisted Wave
Yamaha AG03
I work primarily out of my studio in Rochester, NY but I'm willing to travel to your studio as long as it's within a day's drive of Rochester. That would include NYC.
I can deliver your files in any format via WeTransfer, Dropbox, Email, or any of the myriad delivery options
If you prefer to direct me "live", we can do our session on Zoom, Skype or over the phone.
For most small jobs (under 30 minutes) I can usually have your files to you within 8-10 hours. If your project is a bit more involved, I'll quote a time frame that will make you happy and still let me catch a few hours of sleep.
My policy on revisions and corrections is job specific and the terms will be explained in my proposal.
I'm very comfortable in the studio and on stage. I'm a natural performer (ok a HAM!) who takes direction very well.
AND...I have a whole lotta fun doing this.