Peacock Kids, Disney, Dreamworks, Electronic Arts "The Sims 2" and all Sims 2 Expansion Packs, MTV, Google, Whiskas, Acuvu, Everquest 2, Old Navy, Nestle, Tamagachi, Sega, T’neez, Wild Brain, Sony Playstation "Silent Hill I & III", Doublefine Productions "Psychonauts",Coke, Motorola, Visa, Leapfrog Toys , Bose, U.S. Navy, Chevy’s Restaurant, AT&T, Levi Strauss, Nickelodeon, WB Kids, Animax, Mobizzo, Sugarbowl Ski Resort and hundreds more.
Lerner is a TV/Film/Podcast writer, producer, director, editor and the creator/host of the narrative podcasts Disorganized Crime: Smuggler's Daughter, American Prankster: Wavy Gravy's Lifestory and The Best Day of My Life: Patch Adams' Journey to the Nobel Peace Prize. She's the creator/writer/star of Dreamwork TV's animated series, Astrid Strudelman, The Unicorn Whisperer, now on Amazon Prime. Along with her VO pursuits, Lerner is a singer/songwriter known as The Ukulady.
Home studio with Senheiser 416. Lerner is also a VO casting director, coach and produces VO demos with custom copy. She's produced/voiced 40+ hours of narrative podcasts from her studio: www.RainbowValentine.com.
Whatever you need in VO, I can provide it or find the person who can.