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Tanisha Shuntá
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Tanisha Shuntá
Warm, soothing, calming, American female voice
Last online3 years ago
Tanisha Shuntá
Warm, soothing, calming, American female voice
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
Duration: 1:45 - Total samples: 4
Laughing Cow Cheese
Tanisha Shuntá - 0:24
Great Clips
Tanisha Shuntá - 0:19
Compassion International
Tanisha Shuntá - 0:38
Amazon Kindle
Tanisha Shuntá - 0:23
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About Tanisha
Member sinceNov 9, 2021
LocationHouston, TX, USA (GMT -5)
My passion is to breathe and speak life into the words of any script.
I'm a Voice Over pro who understands the power of persuasion and connecting to the audience with empathy. My job is to always exceed my clients' expectations.
From professional and conversational (especially for all my business presentations), to warm and inviting to authoritative and trustworthy and empathic, I can provide you with any tone in any style for your project. Authentic, relatable and truthful above all, I get the job done professionally and with a quick turnaround.
I bring your copy to life by understanding the direction that the director, writer, and client has in mind. I love to directed by the client so I can give you the best choices and get the job done right the first time.
My voice is described as:
and soothing.
Some examples of what I can voice for you:
book trailers
personal audio messages
youtube videos
and more!
Voiceover Experience:
Promotional Videos, Short Story-Telling, Motivational and Inspirational Speaking/Scripts, Relaxation Scripts, and Affirmation Scripts