Animated series including:
"Little Miss Scary" on Cartoon Network's The Mr. Men Show; "Mrs. Hoggenmueller" in Olivia (coming to Nick Jr. in 2009);
" Vinyl Cafe " for CBS Sat. Morning.
Female Promo voice for E! Entertainment Television
More than 7 characters on Sonys Everquest CD-Rom.
ABC promo for " Lilo and Stitch "
Many Network and Cable commercials including Lexus and Coldwell Banker
Narration for Style Network and E! Entertainment Specials
Stage Actor, writer, voice actor veteran,
Study with Nancy Wolfson, animation with Donna Grillo, commercials with Kalmenson and Kalmenson, Promos with Marice Tobias, Audiobooks with Laurel VanderLinde.
Mac capabilities
Voiceover producer, writer, solo performer, stage/screen/television actor.
Follow the trends of the business and what creates a "hot" sound for the current market.
Unique and signature sound create an enticing and memorable read.