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Stewart Clapp
Stewart Clapp
warm,poetic,character,comedy,BBC TV and BBC radio
Last online1 hour ago
Response time45 minutes
Stewart Clapp
warm,poetic,character,comedy,BBC TV and BBC radio
Response time45 minutes
Last online1 hour ago
Playlists (3)
All my samples
Duration: 6:23 - Total samples: 7
Centrica Employee Films
Stewart Clapp - 0:36
BBC 2 Voice over
Stewart Clapp - 0:43
Stewart Clapp - 0:56
Stewart Clapp - 0:51
Stewart Clapp - 0:43
Stewart Clapp - 2:02
UOB Saatchi and Saatchi advert
Stewart Clapp - 0:28
Duration: 9:31 - Total samples: 1
Stewart Clapp - 9:31
Duration: 0:31 - Total samples: 1
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1 Bookings1 in the last 12 months1 in the last year
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About Stewart
Member sinceMay 5, 2008
LocationExeter, UK (GMT +1)
warm and flexible for narration and poetry reading.Good characterisation for audio book and radio drama. Engaging and authoritative for presentation work. Versatile and smooth for advertising and pronotional projects. Clear and articulate for e.learning and other educational work.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Exeter, UK
Additional vocal abilities
English RP
Devonshire accent
Cockney accent
Birmingham accent
Experience, training, and equipment
Radio work for the BBC includes
Winner of the 2004 BBC poetry reader of the year award, with over 10 years experience of reading poetry and prose on a number of programmes including Poetry Please, With Great Pleasu
re and Centurions.
Radio plays include a major role in the BBC radio4 version of 'The Web of Belonging' as well as numerous other smaller roles.
Audiobooks include 'The overland launch' for the Exmoor press, 'Wildlife poetry' for the BBC wildlife magazine and 'The works of Edward Thomas' for Calibre press.
Twice featured on Radio Four's Pick of the Week, the Independent said
'Stewarts reading of Alun Lewis's Goodbye quite simply broke my heart'
TV voice over credits include Bookworm (produced by Liz Levy ) and Being There a BBC wildlife on 2 programme produced by Michelle Thompson.
Other work includes promotional videos for, amonngst others, the Dartmoor National park and the Exmoor National Park.
Further information is available on Spotlight ref 5495-7837-8775 Page 593
Academic qualifications include10 o levels and 4 A levels
Theatre and voice training at The National Youth Theatre and then as a Licentiate member of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Director of Speak-a-Poem for 10 years with wide experience of running voice and training workshops
Former director and founder of Eros Theatre - based in Exeter
Small home studio capable of delivering audio in most formats. Also have access to a local professional studio with a wide range of pre and post [production facilities.
A wide range of experience in running arts organisations as well as leading and devising workshops and other promotional activities.
Over 15 years experience running, directing, designing , promoting and obtaining funding for a small theatre company as well as running a family property business has developed a wealth of skills in management and quality control as well as an awareness of the need to produce a high standard of work in the time allowed.