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Steve Hirsch
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Steve Hirsch
Mature, Friendly "Regular Guy" Voice With Years of Marketing Experience
Last online6 years ago
Steve Hirsch
Mature, Friendly "Regular Guy" Voice With Years of Marketing Experience
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:26 - Total samples: 3
Shakespeare Sonnet 130
Steve Hirsch - 0:52
Chapter One of "Ravencroft Springs"
Steve Hirsch - 1:02
Various and Sundry
Steve Hirsch - 0:31
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About Steve
Member sinceMar 11, 2016
LocationPhiladelphia, PA, USA (GMT -4)
I have a pleasant tenor speaking voice which projects warmth, professionalism, and confidence. I can handle serious and lighthearted spots equally well, and I have years of experience doing VOs for technical products and education. If you're looking for the Voice of Doom, I'm not your guy -- but if you're seeking the trustworthy guy-next-door, give me a listen.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Middle Atlantic, Midwest, Southwest, South
Experience, training, and equipment
Many years as voice of SAP (Europe's largest software company) Education -- recorded web audio and video spots, podcasts, e-Learning presentations, training videos. Narrator of audio book "Ravencroft Springs", and now at work on "The Angel of Holloway"
Doctor of Arts in English, The University at Albany (State U. of NY). Audio training with Chuck McKibben, former audio engineer for Mel Blanc. Lots of theater background as teacher, actor, and music director. Host of my own TV talk show on an NBC-affiliate network station. Classically trained composer.
EV RE20 and Sterling ST-53 Microphones; Benninger mixer; BBE Sonic maximizer; Multigate pro noise gate; Steinberg Audio/midi interface. MacBook Pro with Adobe Audition.
If you need writing services as well as voice overs, please consider my services. I've written everything from scholarly articles, to podcasts, to national magazine stories, to e-Learning presentations, to marketing materials, -- even to musical comedy scripts, music, and lyrics. I've written award-winning TV sports and a TV documentary praised by "Variety'. I can help your organization craft the exact message you're seeking, and then record it with authority.