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Steve Abrams
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Steve Abrams
Authoritative, Deep, Strong, Friendly, Smooth
Last online15 years ago
Steve Abrams
Authoritative, Deep, Strong, Friendly, Smooth
Last online15 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 1:04 - Total samples: 1
Steve Abrams Demo
Steve Abrams - 1:04
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About Steve
Member sinceNov 4, 2008
Clear, smooth, deep, professional - as used in TV and radio news anchoring.
Deep, warm, expressive, friendly voice as used in movie trailers, documentaries, corporate branding, radio and television commercials.
North American English with neutral accent. No southern twang, or Midwest affectations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
Voiceover work for corporate branding videos (Alchemy Systems, Silicon Labs, JB Foods, etc.)
Voiceover work for numerous documentaries (Global Television, Fox Television, NBC Television, TechTV).
Network television promos for TechTV, local television promos for all of the above.
Anchored major-market radio and television news in Miami, FL, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Austin, TX, Detroit, MI, Toronto, Canada, Vancouver, Canada, Calgary, Canada.
Anchored major-market television news for 25 years in Miami, FL, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Austin, TX, Jacksonville, FL and Calgary, Canada.
Both AM and FM radio announcer in Detroit, MI, Toronto, Canada, Vancouver, Canada and Austin, TX.
Voiced numerous commercials, station promos, network promos and ID's, news promos, documentaries, corporate branding videos, telephone answering systems, etc.
Microphones: Blue Bluebird
Electro-Voice 635A
Sony WCM-44B
PreAmp & Interface: E-MU 0404
Alesis 3830 Compressor/Limiter
Alesis Midiverb III
Digitech 2101 GSP Preamp/Processor
Software: Windows XP Pro (SP 3)
Adobe Premiere 6.1
SonarLE (Cakewalk)
WaveLab Lite
Ableton Live 4.1.5
Hardware: Pentium4 DuoCore 2.0 GHz (2 GB Ram)
Medea RAID External Drive (200 GB)
C-Media C3DX PCI Audio
25-years of on camera experience in television news and documentaries.
Past three years as Senior Producer / Project Lead with Alchemy Systems in Austin, Texas. In that capacity I have co-written and produced branding videos for Hoovers Online, Multimedia Games, Silicon Labs, Alchemy Systems and JB Foods.
I have written and produced numerous mixed-media Professional Development training courses for Tyson Foods, Aramark, State of Texas, State of Missouri, JB Foods, Siliker Training, JEVS Health Care.