I’m Sean. I’m not your average VO.
When I was younger, I realised I had a special skill. I could make noise. Now for a child, that wouldn’t seem to special. I mean, don’t they all?
But I just kept making noises. Copying them. Becoming them. Then voices. Then accents. Soon, I realised this gift, this…power could not be hidden. It had to be used for good!
Well, slapping on spandex trying to stop crime with this power wasn’t like in the comics at all. SO after the wounds healed and speech came back to normal, I did the next best thing. Became a VO! and I gotta tell ya, it’s much better!
I have had the fortune to work with great companies such as Kia, MG and HP to help spread their message. Others like Audible and Egosoft , to help tell their story or sometimes, just make people laugh.
I am not just adept at speaking out of my proverbial though! I can also edit and process audio, sync to video and create videos. I can produce graphic designs and even fly! (Just checking you’re paying attention!)
Well, that’s it from me. Get in touch! I can’t wait to help you out.
Cheers! Sláinte! Skål! Kanpai!