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sari zalesin
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sari zalesin
Expressive adaptable sultry
Last online8 years ago
sari zalesin
Expressive adaptable sultry
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 0:58 - Total samples: 1
Sari Commercial VO
sari zalesin - 0:58
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About sari
Member sinceApr 29, 2008
Strong Sophisticated Narration for DVD's, CD's ROMS, Industrial projects.
Sultry, sexy read commercials
Hard aggressive sales edge for car ads
Fun, playful children's commercials and video games.
Confident, upbeat, on camera web navigation
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
22 years in radio and television. On air as well as commercial production talent. 1st Female Public Address Announcer NHL Dallas Stars. Voice overs for numerous projects. Industrial reads. DVD's, CD ROM's. The big 3 car companies: GM, Ford, Chrylser. TV show opens and closes, trailers. Web navigation host. Podcast broadcaster for OUTLOUDOPINION.COM. Children's commercials and CD ROM for Healthmark.
Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts: Hall of Fame inductee.
22 years of experience in the following markets: Detroit, Minneapolis, Dallas, Chicago and nationally at XM Satellite radio.
In the process of building-
Can voice as well as produce and write. Once studio is built. Will be more than happy to travel to studios for voice gigs.