Sara Mears is a voice actor located in Santa Monica, CA, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2015. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as VZFit (VR company), COSRX (skincare company) and Helena College. Listen to 36 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
✷Youthful ✷ Girl Next-door ✷ Conversational ✷ Quirky ✷ Wry ✷ Millennial ✷ -
I am creative and always desire to go above and beyond expectations. I will gladly work until you’re happy. Helping you get your message out there is my #1 priority!
My range spans from a small children to millennial mom. I have a whole cast of characters in my back pocket that encompass bubbly small creatures to evil genius to earnest female leads.
Recently I’ve been working on more narration projects and have found my comfort zone there, as well, with my ability cleanly articulate technical terminology. And as a plus, I love to learn new things by digging into whatever topic is needed from me.
I have a bachelor’s degree in communication and have studied nutrition and fitness in-depth. I play video games both online and console and am well-versed in that world. I am also a trained improviser and love the opportunity to stretch and ad-lib.
I welcome the opportunity to discuss your project with you and am happy to connect via Source Connect, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Discord, phone, or messenger pigeons.