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Damion Sanchez
Damion Sanchez(he/him)
Freelance @ Content Management, Social Media, Voiceover, Marketing, Drums
Last online2 months ago
Damion Sanchez(he/him)
Freelance @ Content Management, Social Media, Voiceover, Marketing, Drums
Last online2 months ago
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Member sinceDec 19, 2023
LocationMunich, Germany (GMT +2)
With over 15 years of international experience in various fields, I am a versatile and creative freelance content creator and educator. I currently work as a Content & Social Media Manager and Voice Artist for Business Spotlight (ZEIT SPRACHEN) -- a business English magazine that offers practical and engaging content for learners and professionals -- and as a Voice Artist for Porsche eBike Performance GmbH. I also teach Business English and Academic Writing at the B2-C2 levels at prestigious institutions, such as LMU, TUM, UniBW München, and the Hochschule für angewandtes Management. I hold a CELTA certificate and a Master's degree in English Linguistics from LMU.
My core competencies include editing, teaching, translation, voiceover, social media, market research, communications, business analysis, information systems, employee training and drums & percussion. I have worked with clients from various industries and sectors, such as The Boston Consulting Group, NFL, ZEIT, Siemens, Blue Man Group, Disney, Lilium, and Cruise. I am proficient in several software and tools, such as Adobe In-Design, Photoshop, Hootsuite, InterRed, Emarsys, Figma, Visual Composer, CMS, PeopleSoft/Oracle HRIS, Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, Moodle, ILIAS, Zoom, Skype, ProTools, and Final Cut Pro. I am passionate about linguistics, music, sports, and fitness, and I speak English, German, Spanish, and some Danish. My mission is to deliver high-quality and engaging content and education that inspire and empower my audience.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male teenager
Male young adult
Male adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Script writing
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
On-site recording
Source Connect
Munich, Germany
Additional vocal abilities
American speaking fluent German (but with American accent tendencies)