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Rosko Lewis
Rosko Lewis(He)
British but without the tea and scones.
Last online1 day ago
Rosko Lewis(He)
British but without the tea and scones.
Last online1 day ago
Playlists (5)
TV & Commercial
Duration: 2:03 - Total samples: 1
TV & Commercial Reel
Rosko Lewis - 2:03
Narration & Documentary
Duration: 2:06 - Total samples: 1
Documentary & Narration Reel
Rosko Lewis - 2:06
Gaming & Characters
Duration: 1:41 - Total samples: 1
Impressions & Impersonations
Duration: 1:14 - Total samples: 1
eLearning & Online Training
Duration: 1:44 - Total samples: 1
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About Rosko
Member sinceJun 4, 2011
LocationCornwall, UK (GMT +1)
I have my own purpose built home studio and I remotely supply audio and voiceover services to clients around the world and I pride myself in a conversational, natural and none too stuffy approach to my work. If you want characterful or someone who can inject a good dose of humour into your scripts, I'd like to think I'm well equipped.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Source Connect
Additional vocal abilities
I deliver characterful narration in a uniquely natural, conversational and often humorous way, but also have countless characters to offer. Born and raised in Kent, England, my natural accent is Kentish meets Estuary but can dial it up or down - into the leafy RP home counties for some Queen's English or straight to the heart of the East End of London where my Dad's side of the family comes from.
Now residing and recording from my home studio in Cornwall, I'm as comfortable recording a piece of unstuffy eLearning as a 100 foot fire-breathing dragon for your video game!
I've been delivering eLearning narration to some of the world's biggest providers for some years who have been keen on making the medium less corporate and more engaging and my natural and conversational approach has been perfect for doing just that. This approach has also seen me prolific in the field of voicing explainer videos due to the nature of effectively communicating a core message in a way that engages the audience like a friend relaying the information, rather than boring them to tears! Humour and a sideways look to the camera a key weapon of my arsenal.
Now in my 40s, I'm seeing more and more ads roll in for the typically masculine market as I lend my deep, stoic approach to projects connected to cars, sports, beer and more. Aside from the straight stuff, I'm a versatile character actor frequently booked for my epic old guy (think wizards and warlocks), cockney tough guy; pirate, orc/monster and I do a rather special Santa Claus, David Attenborough and Darth Vader.
Experience, training, and equipment
Purpose built recording studio treated acoustically with foam and bass traps. Aston Spirit microphone through a high quality Focusrite audio interface