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Robert Gray
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Robert Gray
Deep warm passionate convincing voice very clean
Last online12 years ago
Robert Gray
Deep warm passionate convincing voice very clean
Last online12 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 10:41 - Total samples: 9
Robert Gray - 1:25
Rob Gray
Robert Gray - 1:05
voicemail phone systems
Robert Gray - 0:19
Robert Gray - 0:22
Robert Gray - 0:23
Robert Gray - 0:52
TV shows
Robert Gray - 0:27
Rainy Night in Georgia
Robert Gray - 5:11
The Fight
Robert Gray - 0:32
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About Robert
Member sinceMay 24, 2011
Deep and convincing voice that can have serious or not so serious qualities. A voice that has been professionally trained with 30+ years of stage performing and teaching young people the art of vocal music in a public school setting. Warm and deep voice for narrations, ultra smooth for sexy fun type of commercials and smooth,clean and professional for presentations.The voice is elegant and sophisticated to garner the immediate attention of any listener young or old, male or female. Definitely a voice of choice!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
The voice can be textured to do southern, northern American accents as well as carribean. The voice can impersonate the likes of Samuel L. Jackson, Barry White,Denzel Wahington,James Earl Jones as well as a Happy/excited man or a Sad and depressed man. The voice can do characterizations of Foghorn Leghorn, The Martian in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, Darth Vader etc.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been doing some spec work for local businesses and radio stations. All responses have been hugely positive.Ive been recording music since the late 1970's with one hit record to our credit," Love Injection" by "Trussel".I've done children recordings, "Save America for Us Kids" that was never released and you can check out some covers at company, Rob Gray and friends do business in the Richmond,Va metro area. I povide private music lessons in voice and instruments from my home and my friends and I play a variety of music at local functions and festivals. You can view our play dates at
I hold a Bachelors Degree in K12 choral music. I have produced many programs for educational purposes. I was the primary voice to announce the talent being produced as well as directing when and what was to be said. I am a professional Vocalist/Bassist with my own band Rob Gray and friends playing a wide variety of music to suit most any listeners pallet. I have produced a projects for local businesses and radio stations on spec with greatresults. I write all of my material and am willing to collaborate with others who share the same passion to venture into the business.I was trained in a Master class with Suchavoice and had my professional demo produced by them in Washington D.C. I have written numerous plays and skits for children during my tenure as a music teacher as well as having stories published in the local media organizations.
I have my own studio using a Zoom 16 track hard disk recording studio, Samson CO1 microphones,Roland JV30 multi Timbral Synth and a Korg T3 music workstation as well as the Magic Music maker, Audacity and wavepad sound editor software working with Pro Tools and Cubase LE in addition a complete public address system including visualand audio effects.
I am extermely reliable and comitted to excellence in everything I attempt to do. Failure is not an option. I plan to be the best there is in this business with the help of like minded people. My plan is to help others get their message across in the most effective,professional manner possible to achieve the desired results. The basis of this drive is the desire to help others help themselves. Teaching people an art form has been a jewel in my life and I intend to keep that tradition going henceforth and evermore.