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Richard Crossman

  • Response time1 hour
  • Online nowI'm available!

Playlists (15)

  • Narration Sampler - Richard Crossman
    No samples are included yet
  • e-Learning
    No samples are included yet
  • Corporate/Explainer
    No samples are included yet
  • Medical Narration
    No samples are included yet
  • Commercials
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  • Audiobooks, Storytelling
    No samples are included yet
  • British/Scottish
    No samples are included yet
  • Characters and Trailers
    No samples are included yet

Reviews (3)

    • Flag review
    Richard is responsive and professional, i recommend working with him
    Hi David, it was great working with you and I look forward to our next collaboration
    • Flag review
    Richard was a lot of fun to work with. He delivered a speedy, prepared and professional delivery of the material given, with a clean, high-quality audio recording as result. Hope to work with him again in the future!
    Thanks Aaron, you folks were great to work with.
    • Flag review
    I loved having Richard's recordings on my audio. His response were always extremely quickly so were the recordings. He's able to do accents few people would. It was fun and amazing working with you, Richard. Thank you, so much! And to everyone else, go for him ;)
    Thank you so much for your kind words. It was a pleasure working with you.


  • 1 hourmedian response timeresponse time
  • n/a



  • 3 Bookings1 in the last 12 months1 in the last year
  • 3 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
  • 44 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites

About Richard

  • Member sinceApr 16, 2020
Richard Crossman | Voice over actor | Voice123
  • LocationHamilton, ON, Canada (GMT -4)
Richard Crossman is a voice actor located in Hamilton, ON, Canada. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2019. He is known for his work as the Narrator in Elletracqua corporate and Narrator in Every Breath New Chances Audiobook. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as North America Publishing, CAFTCAD and Flex Learning. Listen to 115 voice over samples that showcase his best work. Richard is a full-time voice actor with a professional home studio. With decades of experience as an actor and teacher, Richard can tell the story in your script, correctly pronounce medical and technical copy, or use his many dialects, accents and characters to enhance your project. Richard spent years as an operatic tenor so has a handle a number of languages and can carry a script line to the end with solid breath control. Richard’s professional home studio provides a Sennheiser 416 shotgun mic and a Rode NT1 cardioid mic for projects which require a slightly different versatility in recording. As a former teacher, Richard is used to explaining complex ideas and concepts with clear and concise, expressive sound. And he knows how to find the story in your copy and relate it in a way your audience can understand and engage with whether it is e-learning, medical narration or corporate explainers and narration. Richard can take you on an exciting and informative tour of your museum, gallery, real estate property or documentary subject in a tone that matches your project. As an actor, Richard had decades of experience listening to others and responding in an appropriate way in multi-actor scenarios. Richard is Canadian born with British grandparents so his Canadian and British accents (including Scottish) are genuine. His other accents and dialects are learned by listening to, and working with, native speakers (and singers) so he can provide quality characters when required.

Skills and services offered

    • Language
    • Voice gender & age
    • Additional services offered
      Deliver edited and finished voice over
      Write the copy
    • Recording and delivery options
      Digital delivery
      Remote live direction
      Source Connect
      On-site recording
        • Location
          Hamilton, ON, Canada
    • Additional vocal abilities
      I am an operatic tenor, I can speak and read French, Italian, and Latin. My accents include British RP, British standard, cockney, Scottish, Scottish dialect, Italian, French, German, Irish, and several US accents including North American, Southern US, Texas Drawl. I have a variety of characters from high squeaky voices, to children, female and male.
    • Experience, training, and equipment
      My professional home studio operates with a Sennheiser 416, Steinberg and Presonus Interfaces and Adobe Audition. I have coached with Deb Munro, Elley Ray Hennesy, Julie Williams, Marc Cashman, David Tyler, Bev Standing, Hugh Klitzke, Debbie Irwin

Known for