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Polina Vezhan
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Polina Vezhan
Warm, dynamic, emotive and positive voice
Last online1 year ago
Response time5 hours
Polina Vezhan
Warm, dynamic, emotive and positive voice
Response time5 hours
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:53 - Total samples: 9
E-learning Polina
Polina Vezhan - 0:39
Board Safety announcement
Polina Vezhan - 0:21
Radio commercials
Polina Vezhan - 0:38
Corporate narration
Polina Vezhan - 0:33
Phone Prompts
Polina Vezhan - 0:15
Polina Vezhan - 0:18
Polina Vezhan - 0:50
Accented English Polina
Polina Vezhan - 0:56
Characters Polina
Polina Vezhan - 0:18
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About Polina
Member sinceNov 4, 2014
LocationSofia, Bulgaria (GMT +3)
I have a very warm, dynamic, emotive and positive voice with a baritone edge. I have over 12 years experience as a voice talent, presenter and producer, both in a radio and TV industry. I have given my voice to both television and radio commercials, station IDs and internet podcasts. I am a native Russian speaker and also speak fluent English, having lived in London for over 5 years. I can record with a typical mild or strong Russian accent as well
Skills and services offered
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Male young adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
In English: light or strong RUSSIAN accent, East-European accent
In Russian: all types of characters including an old lady (funny voice, for cartoons) and a very sexy low voice
Experience, training, and equipment
I have always been on air. I started my career in TV and Radio, as a presenter back in Russia (gosh, it was so many moons ago!). Then I moved abroad to study and work in other countries – I lived in London for six years, where I got my degree in Journalism, and am now in Bulgaria.
During this time I set up my own recording studio and have lent my voice to television and radio commercials, films, station IDs and internet podcasts around the world
I have a very warm, dynamic, emotive and positive voice with a baritone edge. I can also record with a typical (mild or strong) Russian accent in English as well as Bulgarian. I am a versatile and professional voiceover artist capable of working to tight deadlines and I simply love what I am doing
2000-2008 Radiostation Europa plus (Russia) Voiceovering, presenting, editing.
2010-2011 Getting a degree in London City University (MA International Journalism, Radio and TV).
2012-2013 Radiostation Radiostream (London, UK) Voiceovering, ads production, editing.
I use Audition to edit
Translation English-Russian, Bulgarian-Russian. I am offering recording of kids voices