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Pedro Labattaglia
Pedro Labattaglia
Voice Over Talent / Actor / Singer
Last online11 hours ago
Response time46 minutes
Pedro Labattaglia
Voice Over Talent / Actor / Singer
Response time46 minutes
Last online11 hours ago
Playlists (11)
Commercial Spanish Neutral
Duration: 4:46 - Total samples: 17
Wendys Breakfasts - Bilingual
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:15
Ad Galletas - Cool & Street Voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:06
Hugo Boss - TV Ad - Deep voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:18
Frijoles Goya - Radio Ad
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:15
Radio Ad - Lotería de Georgia - Conversational
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:05
Girasol - Radio Ad - Emotional
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:30
Tobacco Quit Line Radio Add - Voice that advises
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:28
Telcel - Radio Ad - Conversational young voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:13
Nestum - TV Ad - Conversational & Warm voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:23
Gobierno de México - Campaña Antidrogas - Introspective
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:16
Honey Nat Chiraios - TV Ad - Convesational
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:27
Chevrolet - Conversational voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:16
Kodak - TV Ad - Conversational voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:16
First Bank - Conversational
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:09
Corolla Cross - Elegance a Sophistication
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:20
Ideal Artesano - Elegant Voice
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:20
PSA Salud Mental
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:37
Institutional and Corporate VO
Duration: 3:22 - Total samples: 6
Corporative Voice Over Guatemala
Pedro Labattaglia - 1:03
Corporate Video Emotional
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:40
Tutorial Video Conversational
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:23
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:35
Manifiesto Emotional
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:24
Documentary Colombia Seaflower
Pedro Labattaglia - 0:16
Duration: 0:55 - Total samples: 1
Commercial Spanish - Argentinean
Duration: 0:35 - Total samples: 2
Duration: 0:46 - Total samples: 1
Spanish Argentinian Conversational Young Tone
Duration: 0:59 - Total samples: 1
Radios ID
Duration: 1:18 - Total samples: 4
Duration: 0:48 - Total samples: 1
Reviews (6)
7 days ago
Flag review
Pedro did a fantastic Job. We connected via Zoom to his studio. He did a netural mexican voice and his talent allowed for us to finish everything in very good time. It wasn't an easy task and he pefrormed great. Thanks Pedro!
Pedro Labattaglia6 days ago
Thank you very much Isi! For me it was a pleasure to have worked with you on this great project! It's always great to work with such talented professionals who know how to do their job so well and who know what they want! Your direction was excellent
13 days ago
Flag review
Great voice, great collaborator and easy to work with!
1 year ago
Flag review
Pedro Labattaglia13 days ago
I am delighted to have collaborated with you! It was great working with you!
Top 10%of voice actors
This ranking is based on the average number of proposals liked or booked by clients over the past 12 months.
46 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
14 Bookings4 in the last 12 months4 in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
10 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
18 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
About Pedro
Member sinceFeb 15, 2008
LocationMiami, FL, USA (GMT -4)
Pedro Labattaglia is a voice over & actor with great versatility and multiple styles. His vocal range is very wide. From high tones for projects that require a young voice or commercial promos, medium tones for conversational and friendly voiceovers, and low tones for projects that require a deep and elegant voice.
Pedro Labattaglia has been working for top brands, tv channels and radio stations since 2005. He has a professional recording studio and can easily and quickly deliver his work worldwide. His recordings can be directed through Source-Connect, Session Linnk, Google Meet, or Zoom.
Pedro Labattaglia has been hired to do voiceovers for radio and TV commercials, as well as Voice over for TV Channel IDs, promos, institutional ads, narrations, children's story applications, corporate e-learning courses, IVR's, among others.
Pedro Labattaglia is one of the most requested voices in Latin America and the Hispanic market in the United States for his ability to perfectly interpret each idea, with naturalness and offer the emotion that is needed.
Pedro Labattaglia es un actor y locutor de gran versatilidad y múltiples estilos de Locución. Su rango vocal es muy amplio. Desde tonos altos para proyectos que requieren una voz joven o promos comerciales, tonos medios para locuciones conversacionales y amables, y tonos bajos para proyectos que requieren una voz grave, profunda y elegante.
Pedro Labattaglia lleva trabajando para grandes marcas, canales de televisión y emisoras de radio desde 2005. Dispone de un estudio de grabación profesional y puede entregar su trabajo fácil y rápidamente hacia todo el mundo. Sus grabaciones se pueden dirigir a través de Source-Connect, Session Linnk, Google Meet o Zoom.
Pedro Labattaglia ha sido contratado para realizar locuciones para anuncios de radio y televisión, así como locuciones para ID de canales de televisión, promos, anuncios institucionales, narraciones, cuentos infantiles, videos institucionales y corporativos, cursos de E-learning, IVR's, entre otros.
Pedro Labattaglia es una de las voces más solicitadas en Latinoamérica y el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos por su capacidad de interpretar perfectamente cada idea, con naturalidad y transmitir la emoción que se necesita.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Spanish - Colombian
Spanish - Argentinean
Spanish - Mexican
Spanish - Venezuelan
Spanish - Peruvian
Spanish - Puerto Rican
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Mixing and mastering
Script writing
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Source Connect
Additional vocal abilities
Pedro Labattaglia is fluent in Spanish with both a neutral Latin American accent and Mexican Spanish.
Experience, training, and equipment
Profesional Broadcast Studio:
Microphones: Sennheiser MKH 416 & Neuman TLM 103.
Audio Interface: Audient iD14
Computer & Software: MacBook Pro M1 Max, Adobe Audition
Brands & Clients: Pringles, Bulova, Film & Arts Latam, Radio Disney, Firestone, Nestum, Wendy´s, Chevrolet, American Airlines, Comedy Central TV, MTV, Kodak, Renault, Hugo Boss,