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About Omar
Member sinceJun 24, 2008
LocationMexico City, CDMX, Mexico (GMT -5)
Omar Soto is a voice actor located in Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2005. Listen to 15 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Voz juvenil para la grabación de Spots para Radio y Tv.
Todos los estilos:
Elegante, Instituciónal, Juvenil, Sensual, Neutral y muchos más.
Soy la voz que tu producto necesita!!!
Envia tu Casting y compruébalo!!!
Voice fun for spots on tv and radio, and cartoons.
Elegant, executive, sensual and institutional for documentaries, adult content, audiobooks, etc.
I can performance many emotions with may voice, I´m sure that it can be the voice that your product needs.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Other
Spanish - Mexican
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Remote live direction
Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
Additional vocal abilities
I can interpret accent like argentinian, spanish (Spain), brazilian, chinese and japanese.
Experience, training, and equipment
Curriculum de Locución y Doblaje:
* Voz de campañas publicitarias para empresas como Coca Cola, Bud Light (EU), Coors Light, McDonald´s, Sprite, Chevrolet, Pemex, Bimbo, Jugos Del Valle, Volaris, Icel, Carta Blanca, Scribe, Kodak, ADO, Herramientas TRUPER, Barcel, entre otras.
* Voz promocional del canal Cartoon Network, dentro de la campaña "Movimiento Cartoon".
* Papel estelar en la caricatura Kappa Mickey, la cual se transmite a través de Nickelodeon.
* Doblaje desde hace cinco años en películas tan importantes como La Caída (Der Untergang, Alemania/Italia, 2004), Transformers, Resident Evil 3, Spider man 3, Xmen 3 y más de una veintena.
* Series de TV en Disney Chanel Hanna Montana, Las Nuevas Aventuras del Emperador.
* Series de TV como Héroes, CSI, Lost, Shark, La Dimensiòn Desconocida, etc.
* Doblaje y narraciones en documentales, infomerciales, etc.
* Locutor en distintas estaciones de radio por Internet.
Cuento con Estudio de Audio Profesional en casa, dese donde puedo mandar a través de Internet los castings y/o grabaciones.
* Profesionalismo, disciplina y disposición respaldan mi trabajo.
This is my voice over experience along 5 years. By the way I´m a Dubbing Actor, also.
* Promotional voice for companies like Coca Cola, Bud Light (EU), Coors Light, McDonald´s, Sprite, Chevrolet, Pemex, Bimbo, Volaris, Icel, Carta Blanca, Scribe, Kodak, ADO, Herramientas TRUPER, Barcel, etc.
* Voice promotional of the channel Cartoon Network, inside the campaign "Movement Cartoon".
* Protagonist in the cartoon "Kappa Mickey", which transmit through Nickelodeon.
* Dubbing from does four years in films so important like "Transformers", "Resident Evil 3", "The Final Cut", and many more.
* Series of TV in Disney Chanel: Hanna Montana, The New Adventures of the Emperador.
* Series of TV like Heros, CSI, Shark, The Twilight Zone, Lost, etc.
* I have in home a Cabin of Professional Audio from where I can record and then deliver the audio files via Email.
Cuento con estudio propio, Cabina profesional, Microfono de condensador, Mezcladora, interface Fast Trac Ultra, Pc Mac G4, Laptop Dell última generación, programas de edición de Audio profesional, todo para producir audios de excelente calidad.