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noel arthur
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noel arthur
Young, Upbeat, Naive, Character Specialist,
Last online15 years ago
noel arthur
Young, Upbeat, Naive, Character Specialist,
Last online15 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:07 - Total samples: 1
Noel Arthur Commercial Demo
noel arthur - 1:07
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About noel
Member sinceDec 21, 2009
My voice is young, energetic, playful, and contains a smooth hint of my Caribbean upbringing. I can also have a gravely edge which I acquired in my later childhood in New York city.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Caribbean- Trinidadian (easy going young man), Jamaican, South African (roughneck), Nigerian rebel, New York- Harlem poet, American ambitious young athlete
Experience, training, and equipment
This is my first year in the voice over arena but I will soon add a rich repertoire of vo work to my already growing screen credits, including my newest role opposite Nicolas Cage in Bad Lieutenant Port of Call: New Orleans, ER and Scrubs.
MFA-Acting Columbia University
BA- Drama Fordham University
United Nations International High School
In addition to my fourteen years of theatrical training, I am currently working on my own one man youtube variety show.
I have Audacity Software and an AT 2020 USB microphone in addition to the resources of local audio studios and my mentor, David Lawrence, 30 year voice over professional.
Growing up between the Caribbean and New York City made me hyper aware of cultural quirks, and character types have become my specialty, which I will be exploring in my online show. Cheers!