Nicole is the perfect combination of gifted, talented professional and a warm positive personality. Her voice work was for a promotional video for use on a professional website. After a brief consultation she turned in a PERFECT product - ahead of schedule! Highest recommendation
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About Nicole
Member sinceJul 16, 2009
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Professional, smooth, powerful and dynamic for presentations. Urban, conversational, sexy, sophisticated, and happy/bright for commercials. Warm, sincere, deep for narrations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female young adult
Female teenager
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
American Southern, French, Standard British, Russian, Irish, New York, Scandinavian, Italian, Scottish, MN/WI (Upper Midwest), Cockney
Experience, training, and equipment
I have experience in audiobooks, commercials, industrials, training videos, ADR, and phone systems. Some of my clients include: Keiser University, Eagle Gate / Provo, Sanford Brown, IADT, Euphoria Institute, Kaplan Higher Education Corp, Lincoln Education Centers, Brown College, Linked By Life, Fitness On Request, Remmington College, Beckfield College, and Sushi Avenue. I have narrated over 120 audiobooks.
Monologues Mark Rosenwinkel Guthrie - Mpls, MN
Voice Over Jim Cada Guthrie - Mpls, MN
Cold Reading Jorge-Luis Pallo Los Angeles, CA
Commercial Reading Lev Mailer Minneapolis, MN
On Camera Acting Lynn Blumenthal Casting Minneapolis, MN
Scene Study and Chekhov Technique Lev Mailer Minneapolis, MN
I have Mac-based software, a TechZone Stellar X2 microphone, and a Behringer UMC204HD preamp. I can record audio from my home and send via mp3 files through email.
I'm great at improv, animals love me, and I can make any copy sound amazing.