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Neal Martin
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Neal Martin
Friendly, EnthusiasticAlternative, Hip, Smart, Fun
Last online2 years ago
Neal Martin
Friendly, EnthusiasticAlternative, Hip, Smart, Fun
Last online2 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:54 - Total samples: 6
Neal Martin - 0:58
Commercial 2
Neal Martin - 2:00
Industrial - On Hold
Neal Martin - 1:04
Media - Radio Promo
Neal Martin - 1:03
Commercial Jingles
Neal Martin - 1:05
Radio Branding Jingles
Neal Martin - 1:42
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About Neal
Member sinceOct 27, 2008
I am a well spoken and clearly anunciated young male for many applications. Young and smart for speaking directly to younger demographics. Friendly and real for speaking to a broad group of people. Hip and alternative for skate, snowboard, surf commericals or promos. Young characters including teens with a personable and real quality as well as lower/middle age "guy next door" feel.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
- Freelance commercial voice work for various local agency/online voice services
- Commercial radio voiceovers in Seattle for KNDD (Alternative), KMTT (AAA), KISW (Active Rock), KKWF (Country)
- Alternative Radio Imaging (Supplemental VO for 107.7 The End, Seattle)
- Freelance voiceover for Clearchannel Creative Services (HD Radio Alliance)
- Jingle and Voice for various clients and brands (Singing, musician, and producer with Copy VO)
Over 5 years of daily voice over practice on the job at Entercom Radio in Seattle, working with and under the instruction of various radio producers.
- Applied Associates of The Arts Degree in Audio Production (Art Institute of Seattle '99-'01)
- High School Audio Production classes
- Singing & playing Guitar in a band for 10 years
- 1 year internship/on site learning at Entercom Communications Seattle Radio cluster
Daily professional studio access with the following:
- Neumann U89i Large Diaphragm Studio Condenser Mic
- Pacific Recorders pre-amps and processing
- Pro Tools & Adobe Audition DAW's with audio for video functions
- Tannoy Studio Reference Monitors
Supplemental home music studio access with the following:
- AKG 440 and Shure KSM44 Condensers
- Pro Tools & Adobe Audition
- KRK reference monitors
- Lexicon outboard Multi-FX
- Electric & Acoustic Guitars (and amps)
- Keyboards/Midi systems
- Acoustic Drum Kit
- various instrument microphones, DI's, and other studio gear
- Over 5 years of upper market commercial production and voiceover experience as well as alternative imaging VO
- Copywriting experience in commercial radio as well as imaging writing and creative services.
- Imaging Production for KBLV (AAA/Classic Rock)in Kansas City
- Imaging Production for KNDD (Alternative) in Seattle
- Extended training in music including 8 years of classical music training (viola) and 10 years of rock band experience (guitar, vocals, writing, producing).
- Music production and station/commercial jingles