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Miriam Katz
Miriam Katz
Intelligent, Edgy, Professional, Comedic
Last online4 months ago
Miriam Katz
Intelligent, Edgy, Professional, Comedic
Last online4 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:05 - Total samples: 12
Katz Animation Demo
Miriam Katz - 1:32
Katz Commercial Demo Reel
Miriam Katz - 1:07
Drowned, Lamplight Radio Play
Miriam Katz - 0:53
Museum Audio Tour
Miriam Katz - 1:11
Solar City
Miriam Katz - 0:07
An Occurence at B.E. Investments, Lamplight Radio
Miriam Katz - 0:24
Miriam Katz - 0:11
Miriam Katz - 0:08
Miriam Katz - 0:12
Miriam Katz - 0:12
Tell Us What You Need
Miriam Katz - 0:22
Russian Accent PayPal spot
Miriam Katz - 0:41
Reviews (1)
4 years ago
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A beautiful, full-bodied voice; great acting chops. Professional and easy to work with.
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About Miriam
Member sinceDec 13, 2016
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
My voice is deep, smooth, and easy on the ears. I am easily able to modulate my voice depending on the project, whether professional, comedic, wry, or upbeat. I love playing a range of characters, including loving mother, spaced out hippie, urban hipster, corporate professional, and millenial party girl.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Russian, French, New York, Southern
Experience, training, and equipment
Commercials:; Girl Scouts; California Closets; Redstone Federal Credit Union
Video Games: Bingo Blitz; Fantasy Casino; Sairento; Monster Legends; Life Is Strange 2
Radio Plays: Lamplight Radio (Sarah Award); Very, Very Far Away
Narration: Pfizer; Norwalk Maritime Aquarium; Cetera Financial; Democracy Works, JLL
Animation: Bloom; Curse of the Werebee
I have trained at Edge Studios and Kalmenson & Kalmenson, and with Mary Lynn Wissner, Charlie Adler, and Richard Horvitz.
Rode NT 1-A microphone
Rode Pop Filter
Shure SM7B microphone
Focusrite Interface
MacBook Air
Twisted Wave Audio Software
I have trained in dramatic acting (Barrow Group, NYC and The Beverly Hills Playhouse, LA) and comedic performance (Groundlings, UCB, and The Clown School, LA). My many years of stage, film, and television experience add a great deal to my vocal performance, and when appropriate, my improv comedy training can also help tremendously when I'm in the VO booth.