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Michael Phillips
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Michael Phillips
Movie, Teen, Military, Evil, Pirate, Cartoonish
Last online3 years ago
Michael Phillips
Movie, Teen, Military, Evil, Pirate, Cartoonish
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:15 - Total samples: 10
30Sec SecondlLife Jazz Lounge Commercial
Michael Phillips - 0:31
30Sec Characters and Halo3 Impression Demo
Michael Phillips - 0:36
30Sec SecondLife Rock Commercial
Michael Phillips - 0:31
30Sec Accents Demo English
Michael Phillips - 0:25
30Sec Pirates of Burning Sea Demo
Michael Phillips - 0:33
1Min SecondLife Theater Commercial
Michael Phillips - 0:58
15Sec Radio DJ Demo
Michael Phillips - 0:16
30Sec MultiCharater Movie Teaser Demo
Michael Phillips - 0:25
45Second Game Teaser Demo
Michael Phillips - 0:45
15Sec Game Cowboy Loops
Michael Phillips - 0:11
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About Michael
Member sinceOct 16, 2005
LocationSeattle, WA, USA (GMT -7)
Deep voices Movie Preview Announcer. Military Drill Sergeant (slight southern/northwestern). Teens (excited/ cool / naive), Young Adult. Gravely (Similar Snake from Metal Gear). Classic Sea Pirate. Evil Characters (dark wizards, evil warriors). Older Hero/Anti-Hero Voices. Cartoon-ish (squeaky/quirky, Old Timey radio announcer, deep voice radio announcer, Brooklyn thug).
Voice Actor:
General Voice:
*( 2019,2020): Giving a voice to the Voiceless
*(Tumblr MLP:Ask-Apple Spice Big Mac:2010-2016): Big Macintosh(Fan voice)
*(Librivox collaborative Audio Books 2016,2017,2018,2019, 2020): Various titles.
*(House DJ-Music 2007-2010): StarTales Club-Intros, Dedications, Requests
*(Radio Commercials 2008): Palmer's Jazz Lounge, Kegger Island Rock
*(PC Game 2010) Pirates of the Burning Sea Expansion - MMORPG: - Salty old Pirate Captain, Jamaican Priest, British Lieutenant, Fishmonger, Well to do Gentleman, Parrot(Sony&Flying Labs)
*(PC Game MOD 2008) Fist Full of Frags: - Primary VoiceOver Cowboy (FFoF Prod.)
*(PC Game 2008) Pirates of the Burning Sea - MMORPG: - Salty old Pirate Captain, Jamaican Priest, British Lieutenant(Sony&Flying Labs)
*(PC Game 2006) Brigade E5 - Jagged Union: - Olaf Hochstetter, Earl Jameson, Geriorio Maya, other (Strategy First)
*(Flash Animimation 2019) The Walking Dead Parroty-Crowd voices, mechanic (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Animimation 2013) RoboRat-Computer Voice(Rouge/Evil) (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Animimation 2010) XenoRealms - Series: -Squad Leader, MechaSonic (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Animimation 2009) Pixelated Ep.1 & 2: -Ben (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Game 2006) Jack French #1: - Cop/Mayor (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Animation Parody 2005) Not So Metal Gear Ac!d: - Solid Snake. (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Game 2005) Kimblis the Blue: - Evil Demon (Games of Gondor)
*(Flash Animimation 2005) Arc Angel Ep.1: -Kris (Newgrounds)
*(Flash Animimation 2005) God Warriors: - Old Elder/Marduk (Newgrounds)
Radio Plays:
*(Books for Kids 2019) The Collected Anasi Stories - Anasi, Elephant, Tiger, Monkey
*(Books for Kids 2018) Little Red Ridding Hood - Big B. Wolf
*(Books for Kids 2016) Goldilocks & the 3 Bears - Papa Bear
*(Audio Fiction 2010) Sonic Rebirth: - Dusk(Chapter Openers)/Chapter 6 Reader (Emerald Park Productions)
*(Internet Radio Play 2005) Battle for Wuti: - Godo
*(Internet Radio Play 2005) Random Zombie Movie: - Louise
*(Internet Radio Play 2005) Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy: - Book/Narrator
*(Educational: Parody Internet Radio 2005) 1997 Cartoys Phone Commercial: - Sgt Rock
*(Internet Radio 2003): Final Fantasy 7: - Mad Scientist Hojo
*(Machinema Animation 2005) Oblivion: - Jay (Treeskunk Productions)
*(Machinema Animation 2005) Project 117 Movie Preview: - Mark 316 (Treeskunk Productions)
Live Voice Acting: (English)
*(Sakura Anime Convention 2007) DreamCatcher Spectacular:
Black Lagoon-Benny; Death Note Live Action-Light's Father, Dance, Fight Coreographer, Singing
*(Sakura Anime Convention 2006) DreamCatcher Spectacular:
Bleach Ep.4- Thug, Hollow ; Full Metal Panic Fumooffu Ep. 11-Richard Mardukas
Ah My Godess Ep. 19- Tamiya
Dance, Fight Coreographer, Singing
*(Seattle's Sakura Anime Convention 2005 Live VA Show): Special Japanese VA Guest Ikue Otani(Voice of Pickachu/Chopper(Japan):
Interceptor Doll Hoi Hoi San- Evil Movie Voice Introduction
Maccross plus- Ship's Captain, Misc. voices
*Improve Theater(Dead Parrot Society)-College-(2003-2004)
*Musical Performances- Seattle Performing Arts Fellowship (1994-1997) (Bass Tenor)
In Production:
*(Video Game Mod-Far Cry 4) Cerberus Protocol: - Talbot Mercenary Commander, Mercs
*(Animation) Styles Clash: - Keith (Charlie Horse Studios)
*(Flash Animation Action) Spell Bound: - Junsaku
*(Machima Animation) Halo 2 Movie Project: - Marines, Sergeant, and Soldiers
*(Machima Animation) Hell Jumpers: - L.T Williams (Canadamation)
Trained by (20 year veteran) Japanese (Anime and Radio) Voice Actress Run Sasaki. (Jan.2005-Dec. 2007)(Advanced Class) Dreamcathers Studio
Improve Theater in College (2003-2004)
Theater Productions: Seattle Performing Arts Fellowship:(1994-20031)
M-Audio Mobile Pre-Amp
MXL 2001Pro Condenser Microphone
Adobe Audition 3.0
Adobe Audition 3.0