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Merete Mohs
Merete Mohs(She/Her)
Commercials, characters, audiobooks: Merete brings passion to anything she does.
Last online3 months ago
Merete Mohs(She/Her)
Commercials, characters, audiobooks: Merete brings passion to anything she does.
Last online3 months ago
Playlists (2)
Character Demos
Duration: 2:57 - Total samples: 7
Full Character Demo
Merete Mohs - 1:25
Unhinged Villain
Merete Mohs - 0:16
Laughing Police Officer
Merete Mohs - 0:17
Crying Pet Owner
Merete Mohs - 0:15
Nerdy Assistant
Merete Mohs - 0:14
Disembodied AI
Merete Mohs - 0:13
Teenage Sister
Merete Mohs - 0:15
Commercial Demos
Duration: 3:10 - Total samples: 7
Full Commercial Demo
Merete Mohs - 1:32
Verizon Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:16
Pampers Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:17
Shopkins Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:14
Pixel Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:17
Lindor Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:16
Kroger Demo
Merete Mohs - 0:17
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About Merete
Member sinceFeb 6, 2024
LocationWisconsin, USA (GMT -5)
From midwestern mom to bratty teen, robotic AI to unhinged psychopath, Merete has a voice for all of it. She's been a voiceover artist since 2019 when she began recording audio books as part of the volunteer staff at ABLE (Audio & Braille Literacy Enhancement), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources to persons that are blind, visually impaired, or print disabled. She’s also an actor for The Online Stage - a production company that specializes in multi-cast productions of works in the public domain. She’s appeared in their versions of Emily of New Moon, Daisy Miller, as well as The Iliad and The Odyssey.
Since 2020, she’s been an active member of the voiceover network, LTM. With them, she’s participated in classes and workshops specializing in many facets of the voiceover industry, including practicing scripts for commercial, character, e-learning, and more. She’s led several of the voiceover classes herself.
Merete is a co-founder of Lengthy Tangent, LLC. She is a co-producer, actor, senior writer, and production manager for their flagship audio series, “Peculiar Radio”.
When she is not doing things related to voiceover, Merete focuses on her role as a mother to two lovely children and a wife to a very lucky guy. In her spare time, she’s one of the vice presidents of her local PTA, a former professional cook turned prolific home cook (as evidenced by the obscene amount of macarons she makes during the holiday season), an optimistic gardener, and a maker of several varieties of crafts.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female teenager
Female young adult
Female senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Additional vocal abilities
Some Spanish and French, (though I am not a native speaker.)
Experience, training, and equipment
I record in my home studio on a Sennheiser 416T microphone with a scarlet solo interface, and I use Reaper as my DAW.