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Matt Granato
Matt Granato
Staying in-tune with your audience and on top of your needs
Last online1 hour ago
Response time24 minutes
Matt Granato
Staying in-tune with your audience and on top of your needs
Response time24 minutes
Last online1 hour ago
Playlists (10)
Duration: 5:52 - Total samples: 14
Male Voice Over, Chase Credit Card, Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:05
Male Voice Over, Disaronno, Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:18
Announcer, Sportyn - National Commerical
Matt Granato - 0:51
Male Voice Over, Diamond Advantage Diesel, National Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:30
Narrator, Pittsburg Public Transit, Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:14
Narrator, Himms, Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:16
Narrator, DC Mayor's Arts Awards, Promo
Matt Granato - 0:30
Matt Granato - Commercial VO Demo Full - Believable - Conversational
Matt Granato - 1:02
Narrator, One Main Financial, Radio Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:14
Wise Male Voice Over, Volcon, Digital Media Advertisement
Matt Granato - 0:47
Announcer, easyMedicare Advantage, National Commerical
Matt Granato - 0:15
Narrator, OxyPure Smart Air Purifier, National Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:14
Announcer, Electric Vehicle, Social Media Advertisement
Matt Granato - 0:23
Narrator, Verizon, Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:08
Everyman - Every day guy demo
Duration: 4:36 - Total samples: 10
Narrator, CAMO Deck Builders, National Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:10
Announcer, PB Rust Blasters, Television Commercial
Matt Granato - 0:16
Texas Man, Texas Department of Transportation, PSA
Matt Granato - 0:08
Truck Driver, Diamond Advantage Diesel Parts, Television Advertisement
Matt Granato - 0:16
MVO, Reliable Energy, Explainer
Matt Granato - 0:11
Narrator, Stuck Pipe Manufacturing, Online Training Course
Matt Granato - 0:27
Announcer, PepperBall Safety Gear, Social Media Advertisement
Matt Granato - 0:44
Farmer, John Deere Farm Solutions, Digital Commercial Ad
Matt Granato - 0:38
MVO, Vudu Scopes, Internet Ad
Matt Granato - 0:27
Narrator, Blue Collar Everyday Guy demo, commericals
Matt Granato - 1:15
Duration: 1:45 - Total samples: 2
Duration: 2:45 - Total samples: 1
Duration: 6:23 - Total samples: 2
eLearning - Medical Equipment Training - Internal Training Module
Duration: 1:15 - Total samples: 1
Duration: 13:26 - Total samples: 3
Live Announcer / VOG
Duration: 1:09 - Total samples: 1
Reviews (15)
1 year ago
Flag review
Matt has always been reliable and easy to work with. I look forward to more collaboration.
Matt Granato1 year ago
Thank you so much - it's always a pleasure to work with you as well!
2 years ago
Flag review
Fantastic work, really quick turnaround on when we were in a time crunch. I HIGHLY recommend working with Matt!
Matt Granato2 years ago
Much appreciated. I really enjoyed working together!
2 years ago
Flag review
Matthew is great to work with!
Matt Granato2 years ago
I appreciate the kind words, I enjoyed collaborating!
24 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
39 Bookings5 in the last 12 months5 in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
35 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
228 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
About Matt
Member sinceJul 15, 2020
LocationNew York, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Matthew Granato is a voice actor located in New York, NY, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2010. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as ACOEM, CAMO and The Lukens Company. Listen to 40 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Under a tight deadline and in need of an experienced, professional and versatile voiceover talent?
Thanks to my diverse career as a producer in the country’s top media markets, I have a reputation for interpreting client’s needs with limited direction and few takes. Hence, Matt Granato VO. Staying in-tune with your audience and on top of your needs.
From my professional home studio in the Washington DC metro area, I specialize in corporate narration, e-learning, commercials and audiobooks. Check out my demos and book samples in the featured section below.
In less than 24 hours, I can turn around scripts and deliver broadcast-quality content to meet any project you may have. Local or national, commercial or books, energetic car salesman to empathetic dad to inspiring teacher, I can do it all. I am also highly skilled in audio production and offer this as a premium added value to all clients I work with.
So let’s collaborate on your next voiceover project. Reach me anytime at or visit for information.
In addition to voice acting, I am the supervising producer and co-host of weekly DCN cable show, We Are Washington. I also lead a team of producers, creating content for three cable networks (DCN, DCC, & DKN) for the District Government Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment, otherwise known as Entertain DC.
With production crews, talent, and newsroom teams in media markets from San Francisco to Washington DC, I’ve produced television, sports radio, interviewing newsmakers, and gone on-air under the lights and in front of the camera creating impactful content.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Mixing and mastering
Script writing
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
On-site recording
Source Connect
Phone patch
New York, NY, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Can to accents, characters, and perform
Experience, training, and equipment
Mic - Sennheiser 416
Editing Software - Adobe Audition
DAW - Studio One
Hardware - PreSonus Studio 68C