The voice of God ( deep ring voice that booms from everywhere at once) the teacher ( more of a dry nasally tweeting voice), college professor ( a slight aristocratic presence), drill instructor( 4 squared and born again hard) , the villain( slick, deep, scary malevolent , the king ( regal, cool and confident), the baptist preacher ( rhythmic speaking with cultural accent ) , the deacon ( calming, reassuring, yet very harsh) , the radio dj ( mister glib glam and quick) , the board room executive ( very middle toned voice that is clear direct and without any mercy in it), the labor leader ( very blue collar Jersey accent) , the comic book hero ( over the top dramatic tone with vaudevillian accent) , this is your pilot speaking ( slightly Southern, kinda of loopy, deep, rich) , good old DaD( very comforting and directional), oh god I have to talk to Dad ( exceptionally judgmental tone) , Uncle Willie ( its your Uncle Lou that can't seem to catch a break with a very short voiced accent)