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Marcus New
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Marcus New
Deep,Rich,Masculine,Humorous,Guy Next Door,
Last online14 years ago
Marcus New
Deep,Rich,Masculine,Humorous,Guy Next Door,
Last online14 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:36 - Total samples: 2
Commercial Demo
Marcus New - 0:45
Recent Fully Produced Spot
Marcus New - 0:50
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About Marcus
Member sinceJan 13, 2010
To summarize the feedback I have received about my voice:
*Deep, rich, warm, approachable masculinity, business-like, authoritative, friendly, compassionate,professional and "able to cut through the clutter."
*"Mark can go from low, sexy tones with end appeal up to a more energetic every man style."
*My corporate career has provided me with a deep understanding of corporate cultures and informs my authoritative and business professional voice work.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
North American,New York,Brooklyn,Yiddish, British,Japanese
Mafia guy,Redneck,Hillbilly,
**Impersonations/Sound Alikes (approx 70):
++Classic Actors: James Cagney,E.G. Robinson,John Wayne,James Stewart,Bela Lugosi,Walter Matthau, James Mason,Kirk Douglas,others.
++Classic Comedians: Jackie Gleason, Ralph Cramden, Art Carney,Ed Norton,
W.C. Fields, Jerry Lewis,Lou Costello, Don Adams, Maxwell Smart,Jackie Mason, Jack E. Leonard,Jimmy Durante,Gomer Pyle, others.
++Classic Crooners/Singing Voices: Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole,Sammy Davis,James Brown, Al Jolson, Louis Armstrong, Jerry Vale, Johnny Mathis, others.
Experience, training, and equipment
**Most recently, have been the voice for training videos for Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson and Sony Corporation.
**Various PSA's for NY based organizations
**Produced corporate videos for McNeil Consumer Products Company, makers of Tylenol.
**Former radio personality/announcer in major market
**Former staff writer for PBS affiliate.
**Formal Education:
MA, Behavioral Psychology,Fairleigh Dickinson
BS, Communication/Media, Emerson College
**Professional Training:
-Moneen Daley Harte Coach
-Susan Berkely Major Voice Talent/Coach
-Rodney Saulsberry Major Voice Talent/Coach
**Vocal Coach:
-Sophia Lazopoulou Berklee Schoolof Music
-George Street Playhouse- Repertory Theater
-Emerson Comedy Workshop- Denis Leary,Founder
**Early Mentors:
Arnold Zenker-former CBS executive/newscaster
Pat Mitchell-former CEO-PBS/CEO-Paley Center
George Lounsberry-former NBC exec producer
SAMSON Studio Microphone
SONY SoundForge Audio Studio 9.0
Home Studio
Have quick access to Edge Studios (NYC), CDM Sound Studios (NYC) and Panetta Studios (NJ).
Have flexibility to travel to any studio in NY/NJ/PA area on short notice.
I spent several years as a corporate executive with three of Fortune magazines Most Admired Global Organizations,Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive and Sony. where I developed and delivered hundreds of business presentations, corporate videos, and training films.
My deep corporate experience provides my clients with a perspective and insight of what organizations require and how they operate that most voice talent cannot offer.
In my earlier career, I was a radio personality on WECB-AM and WERS-FM and a staff writer for WGBH-TV (Boston).
Through my corporate work, I have travelled extensively throughout Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.