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Laura Post
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Laura Post
Warm, Friendly, Sexy, Funny, Sincere Characters
Last online10 years ago
Laura Post
Warm, Friendly, Sexy, Funny, Sincere Characters
Last online10 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:11 - Total samples: 3
Laura Post - Commercial Demo
Laura Post - 1:23
Laura Post - Animation Demo
Laura Post - 1:40
Laura Post - Narration Demo
Laura Post - 2:07
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About Laura
Member sinceSep 13, 2004
LocationSouthern California, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Some people say Laura is an eager, fresh, sweet, free spirited, vulnerable, endearing, funny, innocent, airhead.
While others would argue she's a conversational, gentle, confident, natural, reassuring, sensitive, intelligent, sincere, intimate storyteller.
But she prefers to think of herself as everyone's favorite tongue in cheek, trustworthy, witty, compassionate, shy, earthy, disarming, feminine, ethereal detective.
Did we mention she specializes in Characters?
Laura works mostly from her home studio in Pasadena, CA. But being located so close to Los Angeles and Burbank, its easy for her to come into area studios and record as well.
Her home studio is equipped with a Studio Projects C-1 Condenser Microphone, a Behringer 602-a preamp, and she records in Adobe Audition.
A small Sample of Laura's work is below
Video Games:
Heroes of Newerth - Wretched Hag, Ophelia, Arachna
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As - Aria Lieze, Linith, Reinforce II, Additional Voices
Tweeny Witches: "M", Additional Voices
EuKi: The Psychedlic Eco Warrior - EuKi
High Kick Girl - Hiei, Additional voices
Zebraman - Additional Voices
Fred Meyer Jewelers - Radio Commercial
Papathon PSA - Radio
Includes Clients such as Harris Bank, Bank of America, McDonalds, Kraft, Astra Zeneca, AOL, and more.
Private Training with Richard Horvitz
Richard Horvitz Animation Workshop
Bob Bergen - Animation
Ned Lott - Animation
Steve Schatzberg: Commercial Workshop (Through Kalmenson & Kalmenson)
Animation: Steve Staley (Through Kalmenson & Kalmenson)
Commercial: Huck Ligget (The Voicecaster)
Commercial and Animation: Cynthia Songe (Through Blupka)
Animation: Tony Oliver (Through Bangzoom! Entertainment)
Kate McClanaghan: Two Months Radio (Commercial) training
Kate McClanaghan: One Month ADR/ TV Commercial Voice Over training
Tara Strong (Voicestarz): Animation Voice Over
Lisa Maatouk: 4 years private voice lessons
Dan Levine: Completed Voice Over Course
Studio Projects C-1 Condensor Mic
Behringer Preamp
Adobe Audition
As a voice over artist, Laura can also sing, and perform various dialects and accents.
She has a background in Animation with a BA in Animation from Columbia College, where she graduated Suma Cum Laude.