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Ken Jackson
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Ken Jackson
PROFESSIONAL, Deep, Experienced and Reliable
Last online17 years ago
Ken Jackson
PROFESSIONAL, Deep, Experienced and Reliable
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:52 - Total samples: 10
The NFL and Hummer the H3
Ken Jackson - 1:39
A PROFESSIONAL voice for your next project...
Ken Jackson - 1:34
Dunkin Donuts
Ken Jackson - 0:20
Hummer the H3
Ken Jackson - 0:32
Rapid Listings Real Estate
Ken Jackson - 0:36
City of Atlanta
Ken Jackson - 1:15
Ken Jackson - 0:35
Professional Voice Talent..a MARK of Excellence...
Ken Jackson - 1:15
When only the VERY BEST will do.....
Ken Jackson - 1:38
Professional On-Hold Msg. Service
Ken Jackson - 0:24
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About Ken
Member sinceJun 20, 2005
I am a North American English speaking professional broadcaster with a wide range of capabilities from smooth narration, or softsell to, hardsell, Great for infomercials as well as narratives for any type of voice production. I have a long list of credentials and I'm sure you've already heard me somewhere in an airport, department store, or perhaps any number of auto-attendant messaging services across the US. If you're looking for a broadcast quality voice for anything from Video Narration to Voice Over of any type, then KJVP is available and at your service. Expert in anything from on-hold messaging or digital auto-attendant voice services, voicemail greetings, Voice Actor, audio books and much more, you're invited to hear all my professionally produced demos here at Voice123. (ALL BEST HEARD ON WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Phone patch
Experience, training, and equipment
Over 40 years as a professional broadcaster. I've worked as a DJ, news reporter, production announcer and sports reporter for radio stations from Florida to Utah. I've worked in top 40 formats, C&W as a country character morning drive DJ, talk show host in Utah, producer in Miami, Florida and campaign specialty announcer for gubernatorial to US Senatorial candidates in Utah and Nevada. I've worked as a race track announcer at stock car races. I've produced announcements for airports currently being used in Aspen, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah.
I am a graduate of the Columbia School of Broadcasting. I have a degree in Business with a minor in marketing. Past member of SAG and screen credits that include Midnight Cowboy, The Happening, 2nd unit work on the TV series Flipper and years of on-air radio in all formats.
Over the past 40 plus years I've traveled the Contenental US where I've recorded everything from "unknown voice" station imaging for top 40, C&W, and rock stations from Florida to Upstate New York to Utah. I've produced many "pro-bono" announcments for non-profit organizations and a few who were certainly intended to be profit making. You can hear my voice now in airports and in many department stores as well as many companies where I am the voice that "answers the phone". I have digital equipment for producing second2second, minute2minute, alphabet repetition, as well as "voice activated" digital response for corporate structuring.
Thank you for your interest. I hope to hear from you soon. Requests for personal demos welcome at no cost.