I really love to help people make projects shine. In this adrenaline paced industry, I offer gentleness, humility and kindness to all people. With your input, we can create a story that speaks deeply with clients who align with your purpose and values. I’m steady, confident, grounded, and real. Listen to 71 voice over samples that showcase my best work.
I love to create new friendships and help businesses thrive. Let's start with a short phone call or zoom. 406.599.4555, email kath@kathcrumrine.com, https://kathcrumrine.com/, Source Connect - SC: kathcrumrine
I am a mental health & wellbeing coach, I help curious courageous people listen to truth & wisdom in their bodies so they can grow. I am also a workshop leader & experienced facilitator, presenter, musician, & storyteller. I am also a bug rescuer. Last week I brought a spider INTO the house because it was supposed to get in the negative temps.
"Crumrine" rhymes with drum line. Kath's drummer husband loves this irony.
My experience speaks for itself. I value excellent customer service & it is my goal to exceed your expectations. Read my reviews if you are curious.
Clients like you have shared:
"You're so easy to work with."
"We love your authenticity."
Clients include:
Disney. NBC. Christmas Orlando. Rockefeller Center Lighting the Christmas Tree. Miley Cyrus New Year Celebration. Frida Baby. Morgan Stanley. HGTV. James Beard Awards. Pioneer Earphones. Liberty Mutual. OXO. BASF. Starbucks. Coca Cola. Banfield Pet Hospital. AARP. Wyndham. Cedars Sinai. Capital One. Kaiser. Stryker .... and many others.
Kath earned her SEP with Somatic Experiencing Int'l. I am a presenter at VOAtlanta 2025. I just gave a Pecha Kucha on Softening Stage Fright from Freeze to Ease. I also was a presenter at VO Atlanta in 2023 "Harnessing the Power of Your Nervous System to Shift Imposter Syndrome." In addition to Voice Acting, Kath Crumrine is a 1:1 coach, helping people whose bodies are stuck in fight, flee, freeze & fawn responses, and what you can do about it. Which, turns out, is a LOT.
Cultured and Worldly! Born in Peru, lived in Indonesia & Chile.
Friendly, Happy, Bright, Cheerful, Commercial, Promo, Straightforward, Authoritative, Alto, Trailer, Relaxing, Sincere, Product Intro, Girl Next Door, Contemporary, Strong, Sweet, Call to Action, Millennial, Athletic, Natural, Approachable, Warm, Playful, Motivational, Fresh, Accessible, Genuine, Believable, Relatable, Trustworthy, Fun, Broadcast, Television, Narrator, Education, Business, eLearning, Deep, Truth.
Promo, Commercial, Product Intro, Video Game, Internet Video, Documentary, In Show Narration, Radio, White board animation, Characters, Re-recording, Corporate, Training Video, Case Study, Talking Headphones, POS, Event Video, Internal Video, educational Script, Outro Bumper, Tourism Guide, Tourism Promo, On hold Message, IVR, Phone, Tutorial, Brand Anthem, Infographic, Customer Facing Video, Automotive, Museum Narration,