Always mindful of doing whatever I take on "well", I consider myself a passionate go-getter. A baby boomer who thought that getting a BA from the University of Toronto would open doors (it didn't), I have already worn many hats including envelope stuffer, secretary, ESL teacher, leadership coach, antique store owner, school bus driver, real estate agent, logistics manager, and office administrator. But none of these have ever come close to giving me the "juice" that voiceover work does.
I grew up in a suburb of Toronto at a time when the world wasn't such a dangerous place. I think people were more neighbourly and less isolated then, and kids spent a lot more time outdoors playing in the fresh air. Even me. Never an athlete by a long stretch, I did however jump a mean "yokie" and skipped a mean "double dutch". Simple, uncomplicated, innocent childhood. I liked school and learning. What can I say?
I lived my life on the sidelines of the hippie and yuppie eras -- I would have loved to have been a professional student just so that I wouldn't have to be responsible for choosing a career. My Dad worked for the same company all his professional life (and loved it, by the way). I did not fit into the same mold somehow. I needed to experience new and different every so often. That's why working in voiceover is so-o-o rewarding for me.
What I lack in experience I make up for in enthusiasm and natural talent. I am a quick study and can take direction easily and effectively. I feel energized and exhilarated when I'm in the sound booth and intend to spend as much time as the universe will allow me to in that environment doing voiceover work.
Here's your opportunity to Make Joyce Your First Choice
Enjoyed my training with Kim Hurdon Casting doing commercials as well as the intense one-on-one workshop with Kim herself. Great at reading scripts cold