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The Booth
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Jonathan Booth
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Jonathan Booth
Warm, trusted, smooth, versatile, characters
Last online3 years ago
Jonathan Booth
Warm, trusted, smooth, versatile, characters
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:18 - Total samples: 7
TV Narration
Jonathan Booth - 1:01
Jonathan Booth - 0:46
Jonathan Booth - 1:05
Jonathan Booth - 0:57
On Hold
Jonathan Booth - 0:36
Accents UK
Jonathan Booth - 0:46
Accents - World
Jonathan Booth - 1:04
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About Jonathan
Member sinceFeb 5, 2012
Hugely experienced rich, warm and smooth British voice with a genuine trusted quality, and a wide range of pitch and dynamism, playing from 35 to 70. Huge range of accents and impressions. TV narration, corporate, training, commercials, games, promos and every type of voice.
Fast, friendly, fun, completely professional! As a long time producer too, I can also self-produce giving you an extra benefit to the project.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
English, British, Scottish, Yorkshire, London, Cockney, French, Spanish, Australian, German, Scandinavian, New Zealand, Film characters, TV Characters, Movie Characters, Movie Trailers, World accents
Experience, training, and equipment
One of the UK's most experience voiceover talents. Over 25 years I've voiced 1000 hours of TV documentaries, thousands of corporate films, over 30,000 radio and TV spots, and countless training, promos, narration, trailers and prompts.
My background in media creation - I have over a dozen copywriting awards - gives me a real insight into the art of vocal presentation.
For more info visit my website.
I started as a radio jock, graduated to writing commercials, then voicing them, and it grew from there. Since then I have voiced for every broadcaster and many big brands in Britain and overseas, and worked with many talented producers and studios, from the BBC to National Geographic
Neumann TLM 193, Soundcraft desk, Alesis compression, Denon amps, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere Pro 5.5
I am an award-winning copywriter (US and UK), award-winning video and audio producer, and have over 25 years experience of voicing and vocal production.