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Jele Flügge
Jele Flügge
A young newcomer with a energetic baritone voice
Last online1 month ago
Response time20 hours
Jele Flügge
A young newcomer with a energetic baritone voice
Response time20 hours
Last online1 month ago
Playlists (4)
Duration: 1:38 - Total samples: 3
Advertisement - Prinzenrolle
Jele Flügge - 0:50
Advertisement - Congstar
Jele Flügge - 0:25
Advertisement -
Jele Flügge - 0:22
Duration: 0:48 - Total samples: 1
Factual Text
Jele Flügge - 0:48
Crazy Voices
Duration: 1:36 - Total samples: 2
Duration: 3:06 - Total samples: 4
Reviews (2)
2 years ago
Flag review
We have worked with Jele on several projects, and have always been satisfied with the result! He has always been very professional and reliable. We will definitely collaborate with him for many more projects
2 years ago
Flag review
Thank you very much for the session! Jele was very professional, in the live recording with the client as well as with the booking and billing. Highly recommended.
20 hoursmedian response timeresponse time
Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
1 Bookings in the last 12 months in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
n/a booked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
8 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
About Jele
Member sinceAug 29, 2020
LocationBremen, Germany (GMT +2)
Jele ist ein junger Mann mit einer sehr kraftvollen Bariton Stimme. Durch seine markante Stimme ist er mühelos in der Lage, Unterschiedlichste Charaktere zum Leben zu erwecken - vom lebhaften jugendlichen Helden bis zum bodenständigem Geschäftsmann.
Für ihn ist das Sprechen eine Herzensangelegenheit, die er mit großem Engagement und Enthusiasmus verfolgt.
Bereits seit seinem achten Lebensjahr spricht er Toneinspieler für Theaterproduktionen ein.
Außerdem arbeitet er eng mit Schauspielern sowie einem professionellen Synchronsprecher zusammen, um sich ständig weiterzuentwickeln.
Als Sprecher deckt Jele eine große Bandbreite von Genres, wie zum Beispiel Animationen Videospielen, Hörbücher, Hörspiele, Reportagen, Dokumentationen und Werbung ab.
Jele is a young man with a very powerful baritone voice. With his distinctive voice, he is able to effortlessly bring a variety of characters to life - from the lively youthful hero to the down-to-earth businessman.
For him, speaking is a matter of the heart that he pursues with great enthusiasm and commitment.
Ever since the age of eight, he has been participated in sound production for theater.
In addition, he works closely with actors and professional voice actors to constantly evolve his skills.
As a voice actor Jele covers a wide range of genres, such as animations, video games, audiobooks, radio plays, reports, documentaries and commercials.
Skills and services offered
Voice gender & age
Male teenager
Male young adult
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
From the lively youthful hero to the down-to-earth businessman.
Experience, training, and equipment
Training with a professional voice actor and an actress, a fully equipped studio