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Jamie DuBois
Jamie DuBois
Acting is merely living honestly in imaginary circumstances
Last online28 minutes ago
Jamie DuBois
Acting is merely living honestly in imaginary circumstances
Last online28 minutes ago
Playlists (4)
Duration: 2:36 - Total samples: 3
Narrator Sample Audition - Wrath of Olympus
Jamie DuBois - 0:40
Immersive Male Narrator
Jamie DuBois - 0:25
Hunt Showdown Videogame - American Hunters Association Welcome Letter
Jamie DuBois - 1:30
Destiny Lore Books - Ghost Fragment: The Last Word
Duration: 18:30 - Total samples: 5
Ghost Fragment - The Last Word 1
Jamie DuBois - 2:37
Ghost Fragment - The Last Word 2
Jamie DuBois - 3:29
Ghost Fragment - The Last Word 3
Jamie DuBois - 6:12
Ghost Fragment - The Last Word 4
Jamie DuBois - 5:37
Ghost Fragment - The Last Word 5
Jamie DuBois - 0:33
Commercial, Infomercial, PSA, and Promotional
Duration: 2:15 - Total samples: 4
Dramatic - Grounded
Duration: 2:35 - Total samples: 2
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About Jamie
Member sinceJan 20, 2025
LocationBellingham, WA, USA (GMT -7)
I am a Voice Actor trained in the Meisner Method of acting. I am always working to improve my craft so I can fully embody the characters I play and display my true self through them. I'm extremely easy to direct and am ready to work! Naturally resonant mid/deep voice tone that can easily go very low to very high and easily move all the way from silky smooth to rough and ragged in the same breath.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
On-site recording
Source Connect
Bellingham, WA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
I have a very wide vocal range from baritone to falsetto and can manipulate my voice to fit a wide variety of qualities from silky smooth to rough and ragged. I believe that all voice over work is acting, that your facial expressions are clearly detectable in your voice.
As for Accents, I do English (British General), French, South American, American Southern, West Coast, American Mid-west, Canadian, some areas of the East coast such as New Jersey and New York. As for other more specific or unusual accents, I have a good ear for the way folks talk and enjoy learning accents. Any accent I can't do passably or respectfully I will not submit work for unless the role calls for exaggerated or parody versions of those accents.
I am a native English speaker from the Pacific Northwest. As for other languages, I am learning to speak Japanese and as a result I am very proficient with Japanese pronunciation. I also know very little Spanish and French but only enough to help pronunciation.
Experience, training, and equipment
Meisner Method of Acting
Harold Guskin Method of Acting
Mic: AKG P220
Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen
Software: Adobe Audition
Environment: Home Recording Booth